So you finished building a small project, or scored a great deal on some old furniture at the flea market. Congratulations! However, you’re not really “finished” yet. Wood finishing (or refinishing) is the next step. Do it right, and it will be just as fun and rewarding as the first steps. Do it wrong, and you’ll never want to finish wood again! That’s why you need to download this FREE guide to finishing wood. This is the complete wood finishing techniques freebie from our expert, Bob Flexner.
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How Not to Finish Wood: 3 Don’ts you’ll read in this ebook:
1. Don’t trust wood finish labels. Finishes have been marketed under so many different names and genres – for so many years – that you will never get the right information by simply reading the labels. There is plenty of good stuff out there, but you have to know what to look for.
2. Don’t rule out painting wood. Styles come and go, but painting wood has remained as one of the nicest ways to finish furniture and other wood projects. And it’s also one of the most durable of all wood finishes.
3. Don’t sand like crazy. This is especially true if you are refinishing wood or painting over stained wood. In these cases, stripping is a better option than sanding. And even if you are finishing a brand new piece, you will want to sand efficiently and keep it to a minimum.
How to Finish Wood: 6 Dos you’ll read in this ebook:
1. Do learn the 6 types of wood finishes. Ranging from wood finishing oil, such as linseed oil wood finish, to industrial-grade 2-part finishes, you will find a lot of variance in what’s available and how to use it. Once you know what to look for, it’s easy to decode your options!
2. Do learn how to use wiping varnish. This may become your favorite type of wood finish. Bob Flexner explains what it is and how to use it, and he even tells you how to make your own homemade wood polish! If you want to know how to polish wood quickly and effectively, wiping varnish is the answer.
3. Do learn the right way to sand. Of all wood finishing operations, sanding is the one we all think we know best. In this download you’ll learn – once and for all – the ideal rules for sanding wood. Even if you are going to paint wood, as opposed to finishing it with a lacquer or oil, proper sanding is important.
4. Do organize wood into categories before finishing. There are 5 basic categories of wood, from coarse- to fine-grained. Wood finishing is easier if you know what you’re working with.
5. Do refinish. “Refinishing is a good thing,” says Bob in this download. You can save a bundle on furniture by finding antiques and bringing them back to life. Learn how!
6. Do read this FREE download, from cover to cover! The tips you see above are only scratching the surface of this amazing topic. We call it the “Complete Guide” because it is packed with in-depth information on every process for successful wood finishing. Get yours now!
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