In Shop Blog, Woodworking Videos

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S5810_BakersTable_500I am new to the Popular Woodworking team and have a background in professional video production. Woodworking is a skill that I’ve always had an interest in and I am eager to get more practice. My first trip with PW was to Bloomington, Ind., to film “How to Build a Turn-of-the-Century Baker’s Table” with Nancy Hiller, a professional woodworker, and other members of our video team.

Being able to get some first-hand experience with a professional was a great way to start out and I have to say, I was surprised with how much I was able to take away from the trip.

Nancy specializes in period authentic furniture as well as kitchen design. She’s been featured in many magazines and journals and is the owner of NR Hiller Design, Inc. (I look forward to her cover piece –an Arts & Crafts bookcase inspired by Harris Lebus – in the Popular Woodworking Magazine December 2015 issue.)

I took away valuable information from Nancy’s lessons while filming this video, all of which I can use for later projects. I watched her use traditional frame-and-panel construction, and how to cut mortise-and-tenon joints as well as haunched tenons. I know this information will be invaluable to me as I learn more about the craft and construct my own projects. I also watched how to create and install runners and kickers, and size and fit doors and drawers – techniques that can be used in any style of cabinet construction.

While I haven’t used these for myself (yet), I look forward to getting in the shop and trying them out!

Nancy’s video is available to download and on DVD in our store.

— Jake Motz

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