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perfect treehouse

Thanks for all the great comments! Congratulations to “dbdan,” the winner of this book giveaway. Stay tuned for more exciting book giveaways and if you’re interested in a copy of “The Perfect Treehouse” it is currently available at

I just returned to the PW offices after a nice lake vacation. I’m still in the mood for swimming, fishing, BBQs and s’mores. So I thought this week’s book giveaway should be a fun one. Treehouses sort of scream summer fun, don’t you think? This week I’m giving away a copy of “The Perfect Treehouse” by Django Kroner. It’s a book filled with treehouse building advice and common missteps to avoid.

Django owns Canopy Crew, a company dedicated to building treehouses and he even has treehouse rentals. Django felt that a lot of treehouse books were big on inspiration, but didn’t have as much practical building advice as he’d like. He worked with us to create a book that digs into the process of building a treehouse from choosing a location, to tree selection, to zoning and permits, to tool, materials and building techniques. Don’t worry, you’ll find some nice gallery shots to inspire you as well.

treehouse bolttreehouse buildkroner treehouse One copy of “The Perfect Treehouse” is up for grabs. Simply post a comment and I’ll choose one winner at random. Good luck! I hope you’re having a great summer and building something fun.

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Showing 14 comments
  • heatheranne99

    This would be fantastic to win! My husband is a builder currently finishing our tiny house and our next build will be a tree house, so this is timely. Thanks for the chance to win such a wonderful book! Happy summer, cheers!
    heatheranne99 at gmail dot com

  • cougarboy04

    Building a treehouse big enough to live in has always been an intriguing idea!

  • rjhanby

    Count me in please

  • dbdan

    I nearly died last week. A simple postoperative infection turned into a flesh eating organism due to rheumatoid disease medication that lowered my bodies ability to fight such things. Thanks to a great team of Mayo doctors and a rough week in hospital I’m still here and filled with renewed ambitions.

    We have many battles in life, big and small. One of mine is making lists of things I dream of doing. This unwritten list has always included building a tree house over our spring fed stream as attested by the coffee table books of beautiful and impractical aviary abodes tucked away on dust shelves with other forgotten dreams.

    We live our lives wanting but not doing’ dreaming but not rising up to the task. Yet all it takes is to start. Do one thing towards that goal to make it real. Step up to the plate, close your eyes to the distractions of life and simply swing at the ball.

    Today I hope, make that I will, draw up a realistic plan for just the platform of my tree house. Then, as soon as I can get up from this ailment, I will buy the lumber and begin a new journey.

    I know which tree(s) I’ll use, and I already have a pile of recently dusted books waiting to be read next to the clouds.

  • al123

    This looks fun…

  • Jonas Jensen

    This would make a perfect summer project.
    Count me in.

  • Riven Joiner

    Would be great next to my stream. Thanks!

  • pchast

    Yes Please…. I’ve got a couple of granddaughters pestering for one.

  • Gene

    Yes, please!

  • johnclaus


  • indelicatow

    I had a friend growing up that had a treehouse, but I never built anything suspended in a canopy myself.

  • David

    This looks like fun. Thanks.

  • Ramblerkoch

    This would be an awesome book to get some ideas from!

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