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Practical Workshop

Thanks for all the great comments! Congratulations to tsharp9164, the winner of this book giveaway. Stay tuned for more exciting book giveaways and if you’re interested in a copy of “The Practical Workshop,” it is currently available at 

Shop set up is always a popular topic of discussion among woodworkers. We have a book coming out in few weeks that covers exactly that. “The Practical Workshop” is a compilation of some of Popular Woodworking Magazine’s best articles on setting up a sensible shop with an efficient workflow.

Whether you have a fully equipped shop or you make do with a tiny corner of the basement or garage, this book offers ideas for upgrading, reorganizing, streamlining or optimizing your workspace. Using the workbench as a focal point, the book covers shop workflow, strategies for machine and fixture placement and includes plans for building shop furniture.

And I have one advance copy to give away! Simply post a comment and I’ll choose a lucky winner at random (winner will be announced on Monday 4/17). Good luck!

—Scott Francis

Product Recommendations

Here are some supplies and tools we find essential in our everyday work around the shop. We may receive a commission from sales referred by our links; however, we have carefully selected these products for their usefulness and quality.

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Showing 131 comments
  • byerbyer


  • jgtb

    Sounds awesome.

  • David

    Sure. Count me in.

  • kdtirrell

    A good book to have. Would love one.

  • PS

    Is it too late?

  • josephtjohnson

    Maybe too late, but count me in!

  • MrF33

    Hope I’m not too late!

  • Dave

    If not too late, throwing my name in the hat.

  • wasmithee

    This looks like a useful book. I’d like to add it to my library.

  • Loves2ski

    I’m in the midst of re-organizing the basement shop. This book would be great for me right now.

  • iampapabear

    Hope I’m not too late!

  • robwein

    Would love to have this book. Christopher Schwarz always has good clear advice!!

  • ohlund

    Please enter me for the book. Thanks.

  • matt123

    sign me up! thank you

  • rrvchief

    Please enter me in the drawing.

  • fallsomepioneer

    I’m in. Hope its not to late

  • rjhanby

    Count me in on the drawing, please!

  • gtrboy77

    Put me down for a copy. I can’t wait to see what’s inside!

  • DMac

    I would really like to win this book for my wife!! Then, maybe, she will understand.

  • DMac

    This would fit quite well in my library.

  • Jim B

    Thanks for the opportunity to participate!

  • mtprell

    Right now I have a pile of tools and a pile of wood (there’s also a pile of footwear, but that’s unrelated). Need help!

  • Brodie

    I’d love a copy of this book. With a 1 car shop practical is a requirement.


    My new shop has a bench and one tool rack. Help setting it up would be great!

  • wonebul

    My basement is desperadly longing for a shop-upgrade. So I´d really love to have a copy!

  • kdrevik

    Curses! Yet another book to buy!

    When will you stop writing to give my checking account a rest?

    Seriously, love your work

  • Cliff

    Always looking for a better layout for the shop.


  • horologist

    One more to the list.

  • amoscalie

    I have a few other of Chris’s books and I’m sure that this one will be just a good and entertaining as the other ones.

  • tmulreany

    Thanks for the contest! Even if I’m not the winner, looking forward to a good read.

  • Mike68847

    Would love to have this book to give me practical ideas on how to set up my new shop.

  • jaemax

    Need to organize my shop and this would really help get things done.

  • sutherland.kenny

    copy please!

  • SullyD

    Sounds like a great resource to use as I plan my shop.

  • Rob Wilcox

    Looks like a great addition to my well worn reference library.

  • miathet

    What a great book thanks for the giveaway

  • buoyd

    Looks like a great book.

  • Michael

    Fingers crossed.

  • doomwolf

    Moving some things around in the shop, could use a copy to help make some decisions.

  • Erockk

    does the book have plans to build that work bench?

  • wlauderb

    Pick me!


    Have been doing some rearranging in my shop. Would be nice for some ideas for further improvement.

  • wonkothesane

    If i make a dad joke about the book title do I get another entry?

  • johnnysolar

    Looks like another useful addition to the lineup!

  • Chairmaker14

    Need help building the Roubo bench on the cover.

  • bamohler

    I could sure use this book. Ready to redo my shop and build a Shaker workbench.
    Bruce M.
    Go Boilers!

  • Ignotum

    Just really getting my feet wet in wodo working and I have been planning setting up and organizing my shop. Would be amazing if I won.

  • cbetcher

    I suppose this would look better on the bookshelf than all that sawdust!

  • Toddcomt

    I’ll throw my name in the ring. Looks like a wonderful reference book to have. Thank you for the opportunity.

  • Funlovn007

    This would be an amazing book to start my shop with! Thank you for the opportunity.

  • woodworkjay

    the preview looks great. fingers, toes, and eyes crossed.

  • Paul Chiasson

    I flipped through the preview pages, and this looks like really useful stuff! Thanks.

  • bigbuddha

    Looking forward to this book!!!

  • japplebe

    Never win random drawings but feel pretty good about this one

  • carcher21

    Would love a copy for a new woodworker!

  • Jmitchell

    I am always looking for more good reading

  • BEN

    That’s a great looking workbench on the cover. I look forward to reading the book.

  • whitefang

    Popular Woodworking gets the balance right between old and new, power and manual, inspiration and instruction. All the while, bringing us the voices of the woodworkers we most want to learn from.

  • Cavaliergift

    Building my work bench right now this book comes at just the right time.

  • luckysawdust

    We’re about to move to a new space — this book would be a great help in figuring out the new space!

  • gvd1

    I have become handicapped and now have to downsize enormously. I don’t want to give up woodworking and need to come up with a way to continue, but with much smaller projects.

  • gmarsh6j

    The book might help me. It sounds like good reading.

  • Keith

    Free is me! But I’ll probably buy a copy if I don’t win.

  • bunsojr

    I would love this book!

  • aesalerno

    This looks like a great book!

  • jmsidhu

    Looking forward to reading this (and possibly winning a copy)

  • mbbrogan

    I would love this book. Working on shop projects. making tools, and organization is my favorite thing to while woodworking.

  • barmarc1

    When Chris left the magazine, as editor, I was concerned regarding the welfare of the magazine.
    I’m happy to report that the magazine has continued to fill the pages with great content and will keep me as a loyal reader.
    Looks like a great book being given away which would look nice in my collection.

  • tsharp9164

    Whether I win it or have to purchase it, I look forward to reading it.

  • Polyhedron


  • Tiernata

    This book will be useful now as I begin woodworking in retirement.

  • Daver

    I’ll join with the crowd. Just don’t drag me off the plane.

  • Erik Pearson

    I hope to Schwarzify and Meganize the third bay in my garage into a respectable shop.

  • sirgareth

    Thank you for the giveaway and good luck with your new book Chris!

    I learned a lot from your Workbenches book and Two-Day-Workbench video when making my bench. I look forward to your ideas on reorganizing and optimizing my shop.

  • Mike

    Love to get my FIL’s shop in order using the book’s principles!

  • jmail137

    A comment.


    Looks like something I could definitely use.

  • baldwinrobertson

    Fingers crossed!

  • Tangmo

    Looks like a good book.


    If you saw my shop, you would understand my need for this book.

  • mankyd

    Yes, please!

  • OldHickory

    Great looking book!

  • Daveloy70

    I must downsize my shop and this book would be perfect. I am also excited to see how I can shape this new shop to my disability.

  • Alexbyrdfurnsculpt

    I am on a woodworking book collecting frenzy lately… Mostly Goodwill finds

  • owenpt

    Sounds like a good book!

  • mbehrens

    Love that bench!

  • Loxmyth

    Put me in, coach; I’m ready to play….

  • chrisdow38

    My poor disguise for a workshop is my garage 🙂

  • Michael

    Nice looking bench!

  • trs

    A garage is a poor disguise for a workshop.

  • Stuart Hough

    Please! PLEASE! Pick ME!!!!!

  • whillis

    Looks like a god book to buy even if I don’t win it.

  • brandonbeaumia

    Any samples or table of contents available? Would like to see how much of it sounds applicable to my situation. On the other hand, just winning one would show me, too!

  • oasis22

    In a 5 ft 9″ basement anything could help.

  • Mac

    Looks like an appropriate addition to any dedicated woodworkers library

  • tails1st

    Don’t make me buy it, just give it to me.

  • Crawfish62003

    I am in the process of redoing my shop area. Love reading about this type of thing .

  • Farmer Greg

    Looks like a great book!

  • Farmer Greg

    Looks like a great book?

  • Matt C

    I would love this to help me plan my workshop/bench build!

  • HA

    A great addition to my woodworking library!

  • Jonas Jensen

    I almost hope that Chris Schwarz wins the book.
    Nah.. It is probably better that I get it 🙂

  • docjones87

    Pick me, Pick me! I’m tired of rearranging my shop every time I get a new piece of equipment!

  • LittleBlueWorkShop

    Oh, would love this book.

  • Ramblerkoch

    Anything from Chris is worth reading 🙂

  • johnclaus


  • Roetzel

    I hope this comment is appropriately random.

  • James

    I wonder what lives in that tote on the benchtop.

  • jqlouie

    This book maybe the answer to providing insight, on to how to stop rearranging the shop with every project.

  • Scott

    Me, please pick me!

  • Matt_Rob

    I moved most everything to one side of my shop before Christmas and slowly began to move things to where I thought the flow would be better but I am still not happy with it. Bench placement against the wall or in the open floor? The photo would be appreciated by Atget.

  • rackjack

    I would love to have the book. Thanks!

  • pmac

    I’m a book worm. Pick me. Pick me.

  • navajosh

    That sounds great, super useful!

  • JimF

    I feel lucky. Scott, you can start writing my name inside the front cover. Thanks in advance. Oh, and congratulations to Chris. I thought that picture looked familiar. The 2005 on the leg vise gives it away.

  • dzehner2

    I’m practically giddy with anticipation. 😉

  • JMAW Works

    “A Comment”

  • Christopher Schwarz

    FInally, a photo I took ends up on a book cover. I am somebody!

  • Tofflerfan

    My curiosity has been raised…sounds interesting!

  • moko

    Thanks for the giveaway contest opportunity!

  • brianernste

    Giggidy, giggidy!!

  • babates

    I should have purchased this along time ago because there is very little that is practical in my shop!

  • baermj

    Well, it’s one for the money
    Two for the show
    Three to get ready
    Now go, cat, go

  • WenShank

    I’d love a copy of this book.

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