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Building Boxes

Thanks for all the great comments! Congratulations to “Carpiodiem,” the winner of this book giveaway. Stay tuned for more exciting book giveaways and if you’re interested in a copy of “Build 25 Beautiful Boxes.” it is currently available at

I recently completed a box project that I did as practice for hand-cutting dovetails (a new skill for me that I plan to use for a furniture build in the not too distant future). Personally I like to feel like I’m making something when I practice instead of just cutting and recutting on a practice board (though I did do a little bit of that as well before starting my box). But anyway, the point is building boxes is a great way to practice skills, try out new techniques and use up offcuts that you’ve been saving. One book I looked to while thinking about the box I wanted to make was Doug Stowe’s “Build 25 Beautiful Boxes.” It’s packed with some amazing projects: jewelry boxes, music boxes, boxes for pens and many other stunning designs. The book covers joinery techniques and offers helpful instructions for making inlay. Plus you’ll find an appendix filled with musings and advice on woodworking and creativity.

I have a copy of the book to give away. Simply post a comment below to enter. I’ll choose one winner at random (winner will be announced Monday 5/22). Good luck!

Oh and my dovetails? They turned out ok if you don’t look too closely.



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  • Dmac85

    Sign me up

  • wood2woodknot

    Toss my name in the hat. Always looking for new ideas. Have been giving each granddaughter a jewelry box for specal occasions. Looking for something new.

  • moonchaser

    Am I too late for the drawing? Nothing ventured, nothing gained…


    I am a beginner that is looking for all the knowledge I can get. I think this book would be extremely helpful.

  • Ramblerkoch

    I am allows finding interesting techniques in the building of boxes. This would be a great reference tool.

  • Loves2ski

    Count me in! I’d love a copy of this book.

  • cw4321

    I hope I’m not too late because this book sounds great!

  • Zilbub

    Pick me! Pick me!

  • indelicatow

    Coming back from Handworks and just saw the new give away. I’d love to learn new box making techniques, they can be fun and challenging ways to explore new ideas, while still keeping the end result somewhat small and quick!

  • SurferG

    I would like to be entered!

  • mdrisser

    Love learning new techniques, count me in.

  • Tarheelvolvo

    I’m all for this, given my shop contraints. These would be perfect for friends and family.

  • clasi

    AWESOME boxes!!!

  • DBurnworth

    Excellent! Great Giveaway!

  • Justme

    A chance to learn a new skill at 76 years old and still learning.

  • jmasciale

    I would love a book on boxes, I would like to demonstrate 19th century carpentry and to maybe give a few away.

  • shrub0

    Looks like an interesting book!

  • knoname8

    Would love to have a book on boxes. I want to make some more of these

  • Jim44444

    Small boxes are a great way to use the odd pieces of lumber.

  • Curt Pruden

    “Oh and my dovetails? They turned out ok if you don’t look too closely.”
    My Dad and I say “Looks good from a distance”
    “Like, from Chicago”

  • corgimas

    thatwould be a great book to have!

  • woodworkjay

    hope i’m not too late to add my name, as I was out of town/electronic access over the weekend for my mother’s birthday. fingers crossed.

  • cmvansom

    Regardless of winning, this looks like a book to add to my library!

  • adamschopshop

    This looks to be a great book and would help learn how to build a nice jewelry box for my girlfriend.
    I love all things woodworking and my passion is just now growing at 50 years old now.
    Thank You

  • rjhanby

    Count me in please!

  • rat

    Have not won anything yet; maybe this time.

  • tdibiasio

    I have my fingers crossed.. this would be a great addition to my WW library !!

  • GuiltySpark

    I have just started on the journey of making wood into something more than house frame or deck structure. I have retired from full time work and look forward to the sights and adventure of making beautiful furniture. Hope it can be sent to Australia.

  • jmack77

    Looks good! Almost done with my shop remodel. Itching to start building things other then shop cabinets and stands.

  • BarryJ

    The dovetails look good. Most old boxes that were built for use had dovetails that were far from perfect. If you look around antique stores that deal in country type furniture, you will see that most of the dovetails had imperfections in them, even in exposed dovetailed chests.

  • austindeveau

    Nice looking box, Looks like a great book.

  • philmh

    The variety of different boxes that can be made always amazes me. When you think there are just a few … there are lots!

  • Craig Arnold

    What a great book giveaway. Mr. Stowe has inspired me to think outside the box!

  • pwtaylor

    I want to build a box for my grand daughter. Your book may be a good place to start.

  • dkassahn

    I need to make a box for game cards for my grandson. I promised it last Christmas. I need all the help I can get.

  • Billthebuilder

    I’ve taken a liking to building boxes and this sounds like a very beneficial book! Thanks

  • Douglas Lary

    I have been wanting to learn to do dovetails and build boxes. What better a combination!

  • mtrac

    Wood(sic) love to learn how to build boxes and dovetails

  • William

    Hopefully I could win the book.

  • Gaffer

    I have just started to build boxes. As I get older I am needing to downsize my woodworking projects. This book will give me good stimulus for future projects. Thanks

  • woodmuse

    I have several of Doug Stowe’s books already; would really enjoy adding this one to my collection.
    Heck, I would like a copy of the book so much I would be willing to barter a bunch of my cutoffs for a copy..!!

  • Scott15672

    Everybody likes boxes!

  • mbehrens

    Thanks for the opportunity to win this book. Looks like a good one!

  • mikesflies

    That looks like a great book to get ideas.. please pick me…. haha

  • jnwmiller

    Love Doug Stowe’s books on box making. Would love to have this one too.

  • breenjr

    I have some wormy chestnut from the house my father grew up in. With only two boards, I think a box would be a good project to turn the boards into keepsake.

  • Frank Ruggiero

    I’m in

  • Mostly Square

    I love the carved bird on the top of the box. My parents were both carvers and my mother was a painter. Together they made many beautiful birds, including many small broaches. I’ve always wondered how I could use the broaches (not a broach wearer). Now I know! Many thanks for that idea.

  • guitfiddle

    Thanks for the offer. Would love this book as am just venturing into hand cutting dovetails myself. Thanks again!

  • rjpat

    I love building boxes and would love some new ideas.

  • lclement4

    This book has been on my Amazon wishlist for quite a while. I’d love to receive a free copy!

  • DoctorBob

    Would enjoy some additional expert advise on jointing boxes. Would like to make some jewelry boxes for my Granddaughters for Christmas presents but have always been dissatisfied with my joinery.

  • forja000

    Would love that!! 🙂

  • Bob

    I started building boxes last Christmas and this looks like a great book to use in my new shop for next Cheistmas.

  • libcoach84

    Would love to check this book out!

  • Pguer

    This looks like a fantastic book, I like making boxes of all types and sharing them with the members of the wood club. I belong to San Jose Woodworkers Association ( Not only would I appreciate the information in this book for myself, but we also share books with members, and I know others in the club would love to see what’s in this book.

  • Gingercat

    Nice dovetails, It would be great to win, because the triangle box has got my attention.
    Thanks for the chance to win.


    I build very plain boxes. I’d like to up my game. This book looks like a good way to do that. Thank you for offering it.

  • Pilotlon

    Put me down as “amazed” at how pretty they are!

  • Theunclmike

    Another great giveaway! Hope today is my lucky day!

  • JDeBuck

    Yes please….I need this!

  • Bbasden

    This looks like a really good resource for learning to build boxes. Whoever wins this will definitely enjoy it. Thanks for the chance to get this book.

  • Carol

    I love boxes. Sounds exciting!

  • Tony

    Hi Scott, This book will help get my woodwork to the next level, I have a heap of off cuts and small interesting grain pieces to use as boxes. Australia needs some inspiration, not much available downunder!
    Cheers mate

  • TheJabberwock

    Perfect timing- as a fledglng hand woodworker, I have been looking for some hand cut dovetail projects on which to cut my teeth.

  • deakins3

    Would love to have this book

  • Phelpsm

    Very interested in building boxes and would love it if I could get this bok!


  • Mondoblasto

    Great projects and looks very useful.

  • dagewood

    Haven’t built any boxes yet. Looking for a specialty to use in my shop.

  • MT

    Looks like a good book.

  • Ed Furlong

    Would love to win this book given my current projects–however let the luckiest person win!

  • BigDaddyFred

    Making beautiful boxes is one of the main reasons I got into woodworking. Very cool!

  • zimmy63

    Looks like some awesome projects in this book, would be great to have.

  • bunsojr

    Love to check this one out!

  • 1Beeman

    Need that book

  • tpobrienjr

    Looks like a good book!

  • Woodenpear

    I’m looking for new inspiration in box making, so this would be awesome.

  • Preppergamer

    I’m new, and this would be a great start!

  • mbbrogan

    Count me in for the drawing. Looks like a good book.

  • nasa61

    What a great gift…not something to sit on the shelf, but a book for the workshop and for inspiration!

  • aslinker

    I have offcuts. Need to box.

  • wonkothesane

    Lately, I’ve been trying to think inside the box.

  • jamesghansen

    Let build one of those boxes, please.

  • GuitarTech

    Recently finished my “10,000 hours” mastering the basic through-dovetail. Warned everyone that ‘boxes’ would be the gift de rigour for awhile. Half-blinds currently scare the bejezzus out of me.

  • Bodypeersur123

    I recently found out that I have a debilitating condition that could affect my future wooden box projects. It’s only a matter of time before this dreaded affliction takes its toll on me! It’s called Needaboxbookitis!!! Yes, so if you don’t hear anymore from me good luck to the winner!

  • tkb500

    Count me in. The book would be a great asset for me.

  • jboates

    Making boxes is my favorite form of small project woodworking. I’d live to add your book to my collection!!

  • jgbing2000


  • Rick_G

    Sounds like a good read and I know I would learn something, count me in.

  • GBL

    Boxes of any size are fun to make, and useful thereafter. I’d be delighted to have this book.

  • jclark45

    Count me in! Boxes are worthy goals in themselves, not just as practice for larger projects!

  • Hoeppr

    I have really enjoyed other Doug Stowe books.. this would be very helpful.

  • charles543

    It’s whether it works or not that really counts. Keep practicing, and you will get better.

  • cer2010

    Would be a wonderful book to follow for me to make some presents for my family and friends.


    Thank you for the giveaway. Would like to have this book for pointers on making boxes.

  • Quality605

    Always looking for ideas in box making. We make chests and boxes. All our small boxes are for ash memorials. Our boxes are different because they open and seal from the top, not the bottom.

  • mpadru

    Great give-away. I always save cut off pieces to try new techniques on. My last study project turned so well I gave it away as a well received gift. Thanks for your insight.

  • grbmds

    Each time I make a box it’s a great experience since, surprisingly, they are more difficult to make and require use of more creativity than larger projects. I always learn something or improve my skills.

  • larmola

    Nice.. keeping my fingers crossed….

  • WenShank

    As a fan of Doug Stowe’s blog, I’d love a copy of his most recent book!

  • misti911

    This is super cool. I would love to win this!

  • JPettit

    That book looks like the perfect next step to further my woodworking skills.

  • mitch8

    Some of those boxes look fantastic. This book would be great for small presents. Thanks for the opportunity.

  • dbowlin

    I like your box. You are much better than I am at hand cut dovetails. The book looks like a good read and some nice box projects.

  • rmason

    Nice looking book, it would be great to win.

  • JazzyMickey

    Great resource.

  • RNBlue

    Thank you Doug and Scott.

  • dlocker8

    Thanks for the opportunity. Always looking for some good information.

  • Chucke

    The little bit I have read by Doug Stowe is inspiring with some of his creations.
    Should be a must have for the woodworking library.

  • acornbob

    Looks like a great read.

  • dr.e

    Looks like Doug will owe you a commission for selling a bunch of his book.

  • BigDaddyAustin

    This is an area that I have wanted to start working in. Looking forward to more posts like this. And your work is exceptional.

  • keithm

    Would love to have this. Doug Stowe builds some beautiful boxes.

  • jck44

    I love Doug Stow’s work. I often use his work as guide.

  • srrangerz

    I am new at building boxes. This book would be a great resource.

  • Slowhandjones

    I too like to feel like I’m making something when I’m practicing a new technique.
    Thanks for the giveaway.

  • RKolva

    Nice box! Not sure if this link will work but here’s one of my twisted dovetail boxes:


    Just in time for my upcoming project!

  • Mikecurtin

    According to Wayne Gretzky, you miss 100% of the shots you don’t take. With that in mind, I’ll put my hat in the ring. 🙂 Your dovetails look good from what I can see.


  • Brian

    A wonderful way for a woodworker to hold memories for others; A small beautiful box to hold their memories. Nothing more personnel than a hand make memory box.

  • Leonard Ratliff

    I must REALLY need the book, because your work looks fantastic to me.

  • bruseth

    Nice box at! Thanks.

  • robwein

    Nice job!

  • waldow

    Looks great. I especially like the main box on the cover.

  • jburdick

    I’m new to building boxes, but it looks like there are a lot of fun projects and nice to see a photo of one made from the book.

  • Olemac

    Nice addition to my library…

  • lclick

    Fantastic book for starting up woodwork

  • Natey49

    Glad I can find some use for my cut offs and leftovers. I would love to try out the techniques in this book.

  • Doc Wilson

    Regarding your dovetails, my wife is a quilter and their expression is “If they can’t see it from a galloping horse, it doesn’t matter.” Not quite my philosophy, but a good reminder when you start to get too fussy.

  • ironroom

    Just recently retired and have occasionally done woodworking over the years. I want to do more now and had thought that making a variety of boxes would be a good start. It would help me develop my skills and I could use scrap wood that I already have. This book would be really helpful.

  • mrparkinson51

    Hoping to win the book but best of luck to all that enter!

  • wellsy1959

    Great idea to use a small project as practice! I’d love to see the box projects. Thanks for the giveaway!


    Love bowes & dovetails!!

  • Woodbanchee3

    You are right about utilizing many skills in box making. Not a sissy thing at all! Fred

  • inezjohnson

    Great way to polish skills and make better habits! Thank you.

  • lgudeth

    Boxes are a great way to learn old and new tricks of woodworking especially with that many kind of different boxes to choose from.

  • ChrisB

    If those are your first attempt at dovetails (scrap practice aside) I look forward to seeing your main project on here 🙂

  • harleyboy77

    I would love this book on box making for I have been trying to find one that would help me build boxes to hold essential oils. Thankyou for this opportunity.

  • Wood-n-things

    I love making boxes. It allows me to use some beautiful wood that would otherwise be thrown away. There are so many styles and ways of making boxes that it never gets boring.

  • smithdw2026

    Looks like these would be fun to make and be useful also. Thank you for the giveaway.

  • ChrisA

    Great project ideas. Thanks for the giveaway opportunity!

  • Bluetrain

    Appears to be a valuable resource for beginners and journeymen alike.


    I had been planning to build the retirement home for myself and my wife in Cazenovia (near Syracuse) starting this spring. I have spent years collecting tools and learning to use them. 8 1/2 months ago my wife was diagnosed with a rare Leukemia. We put our current house on the market and moved to Buffalo, where our doctor in Syracuse told us we would have a better chance of survival at the Roswell Cancer Center. I recently brought many of my tools to my nephews house, where he had ample room in his garage. I now live in an apartment, with few real projects to do. I would love to build some boxes. I would love to have this book for instruction, to learn to properly build these boxes. Thank you for considering this e-mail.

  • osuopus

    A new skill is always good to learn.


    Retired and on a fixed income i’ve slowly built up my library of books about building boxes. since the money seem right at this price lol I too will claim my spot for a chance to win the book.

  • Jmunster

    Looks like a very useful book, me please.

  • shrek1951

    Great idea to make smalls while learning a new technique.

  • Exigent

    I’ve been planning to try box building as a way to improve my hand tool skills and also begin joinery by hand, this book would be a great resource.

  • pattipat

    I would really like to try making some boxes. This would be great inspiration!

  • wanderlustjake

    Thank you for doing the giveaway. Please enter my name.

  • Bob

    I’ve never made a box. I planned on making one for my Mom, but I didn’t get it done in time. Now, I want to make one for my sister. Dovetails have stopped me every time. Maybe now?

  • BigBird0000

    Looks like some interesting boxes.
    I’d love to have this book!

  • brummettm58

    I struggled with dovetails and resorted to using the Porter Cable jig. I’d love to know more since building a completely true square box is one of the hardest challenges.


    Just started making boxes for gifts and could use all the ideas and hints I can get. Would like it to add to my meager library of woodworking books.

  • CoffeeGuy

    Thanks for this cool giveaway!

  • kkeene

    Beautiful boxes!

  • Tanya

    This would be great to have, I’ve built quite a few bandsaw boxes but always looking for something new to try.

  • Jonathan Marcantel

    Would love to have this book!

  • waffleiron

    Looks like a good book for some sewing boxes for the wife.

  • michael ford

    after almost 50 years of woodworking i could use your book. thank you

  • Celadon

    Enjoyed reading spopham’s comments. Similarly, my Dad had a shop when I was young. He was so meticulous and had a world of patience. I still have a cherry slipper rocker and wormy chestnut cabinet he made. After making my first box a few year’s ago, I have built many more. There is a lot of technique in these small treasures. I like reading about new box designs and shapes.

  • vtxmanmike

    One book I’d like to add to my collection!

  • Deycart

    If this is your first project with hand cut dovetails, they look amazing compared to my first one. I think I managed to split half my boards.
    I’m sure you’re aware of a few tricks to fix some of the mistakes, but for others who may read this, my favorite is to glue little chips the spaces.
    For example, if you have a pin that is too narrow, you can gently glue and tap a small chip of wood in the hole. After it dries, pare it down and this repair is invisible. The only issue is getting glue in the end grain, so you may want to plane the whole side to insure it doesn’t interfere with the finish.

  • bobby

    Beautiful box! Would love to learn how from this book!

  • lssmo

    sounds like a good plan.

  • edecker

    You may have pushed me over the edge. For a long time now I’ve been tempted to attempt hand-cut dovetails. I hope I can do as well as you. Thanks for the chance to own another of Doug Stowe’s books. He’s one of the greatest and so are his books.

  • MegMO

    I just started thinking about making a jewelry box and a valet box as wedding presents for two amazing folks getting married in the fall. I love the boxes you made. The book would come in handy since I want to make something with joinery that is uniquely different than the run-of-the-mill common box. I’m also considering making them ring boxes. Thanks for sharing!

  • hollyshell24

    I am trying to learn dovetails I have 10 bft tiger maple I’m going to use to make a nice little tool box when I finally get the hang of cutting dovetails, looks like there’s some beautiful boxes in this book. I’d love to get it to get some inspiration for my projects. Nothing like a great woodworking book

  • LongLook

    I use your earlier books as inspiration for my designs. Looking forward to this one.

  • treefrog

    Great giveaway!


    Nice! Would love to have it.

  • penguinsfan1963

    Looks like a very good book. I’m always interested in learning new ways to make anything. Best of luck to all that enter for the book.

  • ThePapaJohn

    Does the book walk one through the dove tail making process?

  • ljkish

    My son made a beautiful box for me while he was in high school (It won a prize in the fair). Maybe this would entice him to make another one.

  • Tgtwinkie

    This is the perfect reference guide for me. The dovetails in the pic are very well done; mine aren’t nearly as neat. I can make a wealth of gifts and storage boxes with this book. I hope you choose me. Thank you for such a generous giveaway.

  • tonlan

    Hello Doug,
    Still in the beginning stages of making boxes, I made a couple of boxes in the style of Peter Follansbee and it is time to make different boxes in your style.

  • ekb

    I’ve admired your books in the past , and would love to create one of your designs myself. Thanks for the book give-away.


    Awesome giveaway! Nice looking box BTW!

  • redender3

    I would love to add this book to my library. I have a current specific need to make a box similar to the one on this page. Thanks for the opportunity.

  • David Nichols

    Would love to win this book! Being a beginner in woodworking I could use all the help I can get. Thank you Doug for this chance to win.

  • clasi

    I LOVE boxes and these are some AMAZING Boxes!!

  • tomboysawyer

    Don’t look too closely at my dovetails either! I’d love a copy of that book for projects.

  • bebbaboo

    I would love to have this book. I’m new to dovetails as well and would love to learn to make a good-looking box or two myself! Thanks!

  • Oldschool

    nice detail on dovetails, box’s are a good source to show good technique. Nice box thank you for sharing.

  • sircrayons

    Beautiful work! This would be a great incentive to practice dovetails myself…

  • Tyranny1

    WOW, as a beginner woodworker I am always looking for tips, tricks and instructions. I have tried making boxes with mitered corners (failed). I think I now own stock in Wood Putty, as it is mt fix for most mistakes. This book seems to have the information I need to finally succeed.

  • drthlucas

    Looks good, I’ll give it a shot

  • cougarboy04

    I’d love to give some of those boxes a try!

  • DaveS2

    Knox in box.
    Fox in socks.
    Knox on fox in socks in box.
    Socks on Knox and Knox in box.
    Fox in socks on box on Knox.

    Fox reads book on box to Knox?

  • quietobserver

    Doug is a creative maker and teacher. Would love to have the daily inspiration.

  • Sullivans Papa

    I’m very much into making boxes and could use this book for design inspiration!

  • vilv

    I am ready to try my first set of dovetails and winning Doug Stowe’s book will start me on the right track.

  • bowmandk

    Me too, please.

  • spopham

    Two of my favorite things combined, Woodworking and boxes. Woodworking has always been something that I have enjoyed. I learned at a young age watching my father build and create things out of wood. I took shop in highschool, but after that it was time to enter the world of adulthood and earn a living. Now that I am established in my career and have spare time, I have entered back into the world where time seems to not exist while in the shop. I love creating! And as a small child I have always been a fan of hiding places, either for me or any of my little trinkets that I wanted to “protect” from my big brother. Nothing can explain the joy of woodworking or the ability to hide something, whether it be in the shop or a stash spot for your cash…You know, the stuff you save so you can buy that one tool you cant live without. Good luck to all that have entered and hopefully you all get enough shop time this weekend!

  • Matt_Rob

    Sure I am in

  • jb6646

    Diversity of the designs looks promising.

  • Carpiodiem

    Count me in!

  • doomwolf

    Please put my name in the draw.

  • Youwitch

    Looks good. I’m just getting into box making. Could really use this book! 😉

  • jkandiko

    I’m game

  • woodsrunner

    Looks like a good book. I have always enjoyed boxes. So many great styles.


    Tossing my name in the ring

  • Leukos

    Just staring to build handtools skills by building a number of boxes, this would be a great asset. Thanks for putting on the give away!

  • Loxmyth

    Interested, of course. I’ve been thinking I should do a series of boxes to sharpen my skills before the next larger project…

  • Dparry

    Thanks for the giveaway. Great resource for a beginner like myself.

  • IceOut

    What a spiving giveaway! Doug’s book looks to be a great compliment to any workshop.

  • harrison17

    I’d love to have a book to give me some pointers on some cool boxes.

  • hef1125

    I’m in

  • Greg2242

    I have two of Doug’s books. Both are great and I have built some of the boxes in the books. This would be a great one to add to my library.

  • pmac

    I’m in.

  • gtpreacher

    I have made a number of boxes, and I’m always looking for new ideas. I’d love to have this book.

  • buoyd

    I would love to have that book.

  • NoShopBlease

    Looks pretty cool!

  • ledlighter

    I like making boxes! Thanks for giving away a copy of the book; I hope the winner makes several of the projects.

  • Shawn Nichols

    I’m in.

  • jqlouie

    Boxes are great way to practice & refine one’s work, uses minimal material, and you have a product for your efforts.

  • josephtjohnson

    Boxes. Wonders of organization & discards.

  • Fernando Batista

    Hi, thank you! Hope brazillian are also elegible… Learning a lot from the pop woodworking blogs. Best regards.

  • JumpingJax

    My wife commandeers all the boxes I make. (I’m fine with that, since she doesn’t object to tool buying if I build her a new box.) Some day I’ll have to sneak one past her for our granddaughter.

  • gregworks

    Boxes are my favorite projects to build.

  • bgreene9369

    Thanks for the giveaway.

  • Beth

    Thanks for the give away. I never win anything (you have to know that when you live in Las Vegas), but I can’t resist a woodworking book. So, wish me luck! 🙂

  • moko

    Thanks for the book giveaway.

  • Gene

    Looks like a good one. Please add me.

  • iampapabear

    Toss my name in the box, too, please.

  • Dave

    Throwing my name in the proverbial hat.

  • rustycolbert

    I love boxes. Also, I really like the dovetails that are hand made as that is how my great great grandmothers dresser (we inherited) was made. I was fascinated with the all of it since it came before any power tools. This will be a great addition to anyone’s woodworking library.

  • bhanlon

    Even looking closely, your dovetails are much better than mine! I’ve got lots of practice to do.

  • jknupp

    I think the dovetails look pretty darn good!

    Love the examples from the book.

  • sirgareth

    Thanks for another great giveaway! This will be a great resource for the lucky winner!

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