Friday at Brad’s Bench May 16th

You Want Me To Help You Make a What? If you have kids in school, you’re well aware of the fact that you’ll be pressed into service to help make art projects countless times. For me, [...]

AW Extra 5/15/14 – Ultimate Tool Stand

Ultimate Tool Stand An easy-to-use space saver with more functions than a Swiss army knife. By Dave Munkittrick For those of us who share shop space with a car or a washer and dryer, elbowroom is [...]

Friday at Brad’s Bench May 9th

A Little Bit of Buried Treasure   A friend of mine had an old two-seater Adirondack chair that she figured was rotting and ready for the landfill. But she liked it so much, that she asked me [...]

Friday at Brad’s Bench May 2nd

Cordless Jointer.  Yup, it's late. But it's still Friday. It's been a whirlwind of a week. While working on a project today, I got to use one of my favorite techniques. Most [...]

Friday at Brad’s Bench April 25th

Not Exactly At The Bench Browsing my local Woodcraft supply store today. Turns out they're now distributing Shapton sharpening products. If you're not familiar with them, they are the [...]

Friday at Brad’s Bench April 18th

The Right Boards  I've been planning out a bowfront wall cabinet with coopered doors for a few months. Originally, I was set on making it of walnut or cherry – two of my favorite [...]

Friday at Brad’s Bench

Making a change to my blog posts. Instead of posting old tips from the American Woodworker archives, I'll be posting a wide variety of stuff, including projects on which I'm working, new [...]

Friday’s Tip for March 28th

Cutting Multiple Parts One day my wife asked me if I would make her 58 shields for awards day at her school. Usually when I cut multiples on my scrollsaw I tape or screw the parts. This time I [...]

Friday’s Tip for March 21st

Alright, this one's actually from our old Question & Answer department. Clean Up Squeeze Out Q. I saw one of those woodworking wizards on television the other day. As I watched the guy [...]

Friday’s Tip for March 14th

Retractable Chuck Key After losing three chuck keys I attached the fourth to a plain, old retractable key chain. Now I don't have to turn my shop inside out looking for my chuck key because [...]

Friday’s Tip for March 7th

Versatile Center Gauge I wanted to add accent dowel “dots” down the center of some slightly curved, tapered table legs. Sounds simple, but I nearly pulled my hair out trying to [...]

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