Kitchen Utensils

Template routing and production techniques make this a fun project to make for friends and family. And, you might even get a meal out of the deal. Project #2407 • Skill Level: Beginner • Time: 1 [...]

Wooden Spring Tongs

A great all-around kitchen utensil. Here’s a great kitchen utensil you’re sure to find indispensable. These wooden tongs feature a unique spring tab mechanism built into a knuckle joint. The [...]

Pizza Rocker

Your handmade pie deserves more than a generic roller. Handmade pizza is a mainstay at my house, but I never knew how much fun cutting up a freshly cooked pie could be until I made a rocker. This [...]

Pizza Paddle

Handle homemade pizza like a pro. Wednesday is homemade pizza night at our house. Everybody likes something different, so we each make our own personal size pizza. My favorite is hot Italian [...]

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