Bump Protection

Not every woodworker needs a hardhat. In fact, very few need one at all unless mandated by an employer to meet OSHA requirements on a jobsite. Still, there are lots of occasions in the woodshop [...]

Wood ’n’ nails

As everyone knows, nails are made of metal… except when they aren’t. I enjoy learning about new woodworking technologies, especially when they change my conception of something really basic. For [...]

BORA Tempest Forstner Bits

Tool: Tempest Forstner Bits Shop Now Manufacturer: Bora Tool MSRP: $9.99-$299 The new Tempest Forstner bits from BORA are a set to be reckoned with. These forged bits are made by renowned bit [...]

Atoma Diamond Stones Price Reduction

Diamond stones are the bedrock of my sharpening routine. I use them as my main abrader throughout my sharpening/honing sessions because they preserve their flatness and keep their hard particles [...]

Metabo HPT Bucks Trend, Lowers Prices

Not a day seems to go by without something rising in price, so it was a bit surprising to hear that Metabo HPT was actually going to be lowering the prices of some of their 18V cordless nailers. [...]

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