On the Fence

The key to good rip cuts is a good rip fence. The Biesemeyer table saw fence is so much a part of the modern shop that the name is almost an adjective: Even if your saw’s fence is designed by …

Quick Rip Fence Adjustment

Like any table saw rip fence, mine needs occasional realignment to the blade. Because my miter gauge slots are aligned parallel to the blade, I just set my fence parallel to the right-hand slot. [...]

Long-Lasting Sacrificial Fence

I needed a sacrificial fence for cutting rabbets with my tablesaw. All of the designs I’d seen required drilling holes in my saw’s fence or positioning clamps strategically out of the way of the [...]

Harvey Big Eye Rip Fence System Review

Tool: Big Eye Rip Fence Shop Now Manufacturer: Harvey Woodworking MSRP: $1249+ There are times when there is a product released that I think really met the mark. One of those is the Harvey Big [...]

Clear Up Scuffed Blade Guards

After years of use, I could hardly see through my table saw’s guard. While at a car show, I heard that polish for renewing aluminum wheels also worked to clear up old headlight lenses—so I [...]

Friction-Free Resaw Fence

Re-sawing a board is tricky. Most blades drift, so that you must angle the board to get a straight cut. Standard bandsaw fences can’t be angled to compensate for drift, so many folks use a [...]

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