Thirst, not starvation, leads to weak glue joints. On my first day on the job as an apprentice cabinetmaker, my task was to glue together radiator panels for an office building. Two sticks of [...]
A simple test reveals ideal pressure for atomization. Spray guns can run off a compressor or a turbine. With turbines the air pressure is established by the number of “stages,” usually two, three [...]
This simple jig enables you to cut accurate tenons and slice very thin pieces. I use a flush-cut saw because it has no set to its teeth and, therefore, won’t damage the jig. Plus it leaves a [...]
This reproduction of an industrial workhorse will give you years of use in your living room. At the turn-of-the-century, no factory existed without several industrial carts (also known as trucks) [...]
Many countries have their own woodworking traditions, which are often a combination of mythology and ideology. The Japanese are no exception, and those traditions are part of the foundation of [...]
Video: Watch Bob’s table saw techniques for cutting the drawer finger joints. I designed this buffet cabinet a couple years ago for a weekend seminar on Arts & Crafts joinery. After the [...]
Online Extras for the October 2010 issue include the free SketchUp model for the Factory Cart Coffee Table, a free 3-D model of the buffet cabinet project in SketchUp format, a video of Michael [...]
Almost every week I get a message from a woodworker who is terrified that we are the last generation of people who will build furniture in our home workshops. I’m not nearly as apocalyptic, but I [...]