‘Bookend’ Inlay

Make four variations of Federal inlay with heat and a few simple tools. While one revolution was winding down, another was gaining force. The Federal period, from about 1780 to 1820, saw both the [...]

Knew Concepts Marquetry Saw Review

Tool: Compact Marquetry Saw Shop Now Manufacturer: Knew Concepts MSRP: $615+ Known for their jeweler and fret saws, Knew Concepts has released a compact version of their marquetry saw. The saw, [...]

Dispatch from Amazônia

Woodworker and designer Cristiane Martins has a thing for puzzles, and her journey to fine marquetry is a culmination of the pieces she has picked up along her path. Born in Belém do Pará, in the [...]

Wired for Beauty

A rotary tool, hammer and a few shop-made tools are all it takes. I recently had the opportunity to explore a concept that has been rattling around the dark recesses of my cranium for almost [...]

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