Tool: The Secret Mitre Dovetail Video Manufacturer: Lie Neilson/David Charlesworth MSRP: $45.00 The “secret miter” dovetail is considered the most elegant and difficult of all the dovetail [...]
Apologies for the delay in posting this; I took a few days’ vacation in Maine after the Lie-Nielsen Open House, then the last 10 days or so to catch up (well, to try to catch [...]
A couple folk have contacted us with questions about lodging and local delicacies in preparation for a trip to Cincinnati for the April 4-5 Lie-Nielsen Hand Tool Event (10 a.m.-6 p.m. Friday, 10 [...]
In the short video posted last Thursday (1/30/2014), Christopher Schwarz talks about chisels. At the tail end of the clip, he talks about butt chisels where he mentions that these chisels are [...]
Over the next couple of posts, I’ll reminisce about the Hand Tool Olympics from Woodworking in America 2012, including a list of those who won the events (just to let you know who to keep [...]
On Hannah’s Inlaid Chest from our June 2013 magazine (issue #204), I scratched most of the string inlay by hand using tools from both Lie-Nielsen Toolworks and Lee Valley/Veritas. Of the [...]
Last weekend, we had the pleasure of hosting a Lie-Nielsen Hand Tool Event in our office (check out the Lie-Nielsen site to see if there’s an event coming soon near you), for which around [...]
The crates for the April 5-6 Lie-Nielsen Hand Tool Event arrived yesterday (thank you, kind neighbor, for your forklift help); it’s tempting to open them and dig into the bronze, wood and [...]
On Friday April 5th and Saturday April 6th, we’ll be throwing the Popular Woodworking doors wide open (rolling them up, actually) for a Lie-Nielsen Hand Tool Event (I predict you’ll [...]
Lie-Nielsen’s heavy-duty chain-drive mechanism has recently been used to create two new vises from the Warren, Maine, tool manufacturer – a dovetailing vise and a leg vise. I got a chance to use [...]
In the August 2012 issue of Popular Woodworking Magazine (which mails to subscribers on June 13), you’ll find a review of the Lie-Nielsen Toolworks Violin Maker’s Plane (also called [...]
Preparations are under way for the Lie-Nielsen event here at our shop tomorrow and Saturday. If you’re familiar with these events, you won’t want to miss it, and if you’ve never [...]