Trading Wall Street for molding planes. Editor’s note: This interview originally appeared in the October/November 2012 issue of American Woodworker Matt Bickford’s story is quite unusual [...]
Can America’s most recognizable woodworking personality actually retire? Editor’s note: This interview originally appeared in the November 2012 issue of Popular Woodworking Norm Abram first [...]
Enthusiasm and people skills are the keys to Ejler Hjorth-Westh’s success. On California’s Mendocino coast, you really never know who you are talking to by looking. Institutional “costume” [...]
Editor’s note: This article originally appeared in the April/May 2013 issue of American Woodworker When I came to America eight years ago, I was able to get a work permit and a job at LA [...]
My shop is located in a spare bedroom. As a luthier, I don’t need a lot of space—just enough to allow working on a double bass. What I do need, though, is storage for lots of small parts, [...]
This antebellum free black man was the most successful cabinetmaker in North Carolina. My introduction to Thomas Day came in 1998 on a shopping trip to High Point, N.C., for a bed. I stumbled [...]
You could take the entire annual output of Phllip Weber’s woodworking shop and fit it into the trunk of a VW bug. But oh, what a wondrous load you would have: Ebony, holly and Osage orange. [...]
This article originally appeared in the February 2010 issue of Popular Woodworking Last week I stood in a beautiful living room and relived a scene for at least the 10th time in my career as a [...]
My boat shop is the result of years of frustration. I used to build cedar-strip canoes and sea-kayaks in an attached 1-1/2 car garage and was constantly fighting both the confined space and the [...]
Mark Sfirri isn’t just a wood turner—he’s a turning teacher, turning researcher, turning author, turning lecturer and turning exhibit curator and judge. What’s odd about this [...]
I always look forward to reading “My Shop” in American Woodworker. I envy those guys who have woodshops the size of a five-car garage that look more like castles than workshops. Some [...]