Excerpt: How to Draw an Ellipse

Various methods are used to create an ellipse. The method shown here, often called the trammel method, is relatively simple and you can use it to make an ellipse of just about any size.

Hill House Drawing Room Table

Follow the River Clyde northwest out of Glasgow about 30 miles, and you come to the suburban town of Helensburgh. Accessible from the city by rail at the turn of the 20th century, it provided a [...]

Make Your Own Hand tools

I’ve turned hollow mortise chisels into square punches, refashioned chisels and their handles, made a number of scratch stocks, ground steel bar stock into embossing punches and a made a [...]

The New Traditional Woodworker

Here’s a gift idea that every woodworker will appreciate. On sale, saving you 34 percent!   Working Wood, Not Machining It If you’re more interested in working with wood rather [...]

How to Build Shaker Furniture

The best gifts are used over and over again, and this updated and improved classic will certainly be a favorite that is referenced continually. Includes 36 original & 9 new projects you can [...]

Inspired by Thomas Moser

For more than 30 years, Thomas Moser’s “How to Build Shaker Furniture” has inspired woodworkers. With the release of the new and completely reworked signature edition, we want [...]

We’d Love to Hear What You Think

Every time I write about a new product (such as the new “Sharpen Your Handsaws” DVD from Ron Herman), a day or two later, I remember something about which I forgot to write…and [...]

Two New PW Books at WIA

We hope you’ll stop by and take a look at the many books (and more) that we’ll have available at our Marketplace booth during the 2011 Woodworking in America Conference, but [...]

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