Old Plane Birdhouse

Yet, inspiration works in weird ways. While visiting Maine in February I saw an enormous birdhouse that looked like a jointer plane hanging outside Liberty Tool, an ironmonger. I just had to have [...]

Campaign Birdhouse, the Movie

I often joke that I will someday make my fortune by writing a birdhouse book – typically the best-selling woodworking books (by far). And many readers have asked (jokingly) why I didn’t include a [...]

Building A Chickadee House

The two most numerous chickadee species in North America are the black-capped chickadee found primarily throughout the northern U.S. and Canada, and the Carolina chickadee native to the southeast [...]

Lie-Nielsen Has Nothing to Fear

My psychological oddities include: A fear of being tackled by females in elf suits and enmity toward all birdhouses. Perhaps my hostility to birdhouses springs from my days as a Cub Scout where I [...]

Birdhouses You Can Build in a Day

When it comes to building birdhouses, there are just a few rules to follow: The projects should be simple, fun and quick to build. And the finished result should easily attract your flying [...]

Talking Birdhouse With A.J. Hamler

We sat down (metaphorically) with A.J. Hamler, author of the upcoming “Easy to Build Birdhouses” to get his take on the subject: Q: Why birdhouses? A: Birdhouses are among the most [...]

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