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Creole-Table-FinalI’m busy trying to tie up the loose ends and a few empty columns in our forthcoming book “Handsaw Essentials” (which should be available by the end of October). It’s a collection of (almost) everything we’ve written on blog posts and in Popular Woodworking and Woodworking Magazine on meat-powered saws and sawing over the last 12 years. It will be more than 300 pages on the subject, most of which is from Christopher Schwarz, though we’ve also included items from me, Adam Cherubini, Frank Klausz, Bob Lang and others.

The book will be hardcover with a nice four-color dust jacket, a two-color interior and scads of useful and entertaining information, all printed and bound in the United States. If this sounds vaguely familiar, it should – it’s the same production value, layout and trim size as our “Handplane Essentials” from a few years ago (which, by the by, is newly available in paperback, as well as a digital download). The thought is they’ll look great together on the shelf. And, well, because I just like the way “Handplane Essentials” looks (not to mention, it’s my go-to tome for all handplane questions).

And, because I’m anal-retentive, I want all the pages of “Handsaw Essentials” to be completely filled with pictures, information, etc. If there’s too much white space, I feel compelled to fill it. To that end, one of Christopher Schwarz’s (many) entries in the frame saw chapter is short, so the page has a full column of nothing. I can’t live with that. His lead photo is from the Creole Table build for the February 2007 issue…so, to fill the space, I’m writing a little bit about that delicate, attractive table, and am including a URL to download the full article online. Seems only fair I offer it to you, our loyal blog readers, too (though I hope you’ll still purchase the book…). So here you go:


And here is a link to the post mentioned in the article regarding the patterns:

— Megan Fitzpatrick

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Showing 5 comments
  • Albert Rasch

    This is what I love about everyone at PW! Generous and thoughtful to a degree that I had thought lost in our society. Ma’am, you, Chris, Mr Lang, Glen, and that fellow that won’t flatten his plane soles, all of you regularly share an untold amount of valuable information, articles, PDFs, advise, Sketch-up designs, and humor.

    Thank you!

    Best regards,
    Albert A Rasch

  • John Hutchinson

    I do love that table, and it’s still my favorite example of Chris’s attention to detail. When I drew up the plans, I didn’t give any thought to the impossible situation I was creating by making the outside apron scallops tangent to the legs without some kind of exposed horizontal nub. He was up for the challenge and came up with a genius solution. And that’s how I’ll always remember Chris.

  • Bryan Robinson

    Sounds great! Sign me up. You get bourbon for this?

  • PaulJerome

    Great link Megan! I look forward to the book. It will definetely be added to my library. Keep up the great work with Popular Woodworking!!!

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