In Shop Blog

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Following his trip to North Carolina to shoot two shows with Roy Underhill for “The Woodwright’s Shop” and a three-day teaching stint at Roy’s school, Chris took a few days to head south and visit with family in South Carolina.

But usually when Chris is out of the office, he continues to post blog entries. But yesterday? Nothing. And frankly, I’m a bit concerned.

Yesterday was International Beer Day. And Chris did not write about it. We should all be worried.

– Megan Fitzpatrick

photo by VoxEfx

Showing 4 comments
  • Mattias in Durham, NC

    OK, it’s clearly impossible for a single person to do all the things this guy does. The only reasonable explanation is that you have three or four of them. Do you have nicknames for them, or do they just go by the version number? Did you put secret marks somewhere to be able to tell them apart?

  • Ron

    Beer day? And you WANT him to post? Sounds like he did you a favor! :^)

  • Christopher Schwarz

    Yeah, well tonight we went to Hank’s Seafood and ate an obscene amount of food and Coast beer. So don’t worry Megan, I’ll be back on Monday with bells on. And yes, I’m editing the box of stuff you sent me.


  • james

    mmmmmmm, beeeer. worried? nah, if he’s anywhere near Charleston SC theres nothing to worry about as he’s probably busy.

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