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Many of you may understand why Editor and Publisher Steve Shanesy is looking to the heavens before he begins a veneering glue up! As you can see, his panel has the glue on it and is ready to go. Sometimes a little divine intervention doesn’t hurt.

Actually, I caught Steve in an awkward moment during the filming of his latest DVD, “Getting Started With Veneer,” which will be available a few weeks before Thanksgiving.

Steve worked for many years as foreman at AE Furniture Manufacturing in Los Angeles – the city’s premier commercial and residential furniture maker – so when it comes to veneer, Steve knows all the tricks.

One of the best things about the DVD is that Steve demonstrates many different techniques to achieve the same end. For example, when cutting or trimming the veneer, he shows techniques with a hand saw, a router and a track saw.

The same is true for the glue-up. Steve demonstrates how to use cauls and clamps, or a nifty new vacuum bag. Steve built the vacuum system from a kit and it works really well (you can read about that here). Like many decisions regarding tools in woodworking, making the investment in a vacuum bag will depend largely on how much veneering you intend to do.

As someone who hasn’t had much experience with veneering, I felt really lucky to be involved with the project.  In the two days that we filmed, I picked up a wealth of information.

If veneering is something that interests you, Steve will also be teaching a seminar at our Woodworking In America 2011 conference (Sept. 1-Oct. 2 at the Northern Kentucky Convention Center). He’ll show you how veneer faces are made and pressed, and what materials to use, from substrates to glues. He’ll also discuss and show you how to “compose” veneered furniture using a balanced layout.

If veneering is something that interests you, check out our store, shopwoodworking. com. We have a bunch of books on the topic, and the saw that Steve uses in the video is currently on sale. Or wait for his video – I know it’s going to be a good one.

– Ajax Alexandre

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