In Shop Blog

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I follow a lot of woodworking blogs and forums, but I’m more interested in getting the information and getting back to the shop than I am in staring at a computer screen until my eyeballs dry up and fall into my lap.

And that’s why I have become a huge fan of the “Spoken Wood Podcast,” the mastermind of Matt “The Podfather” Vanderlist. This free service gathers together the best blog entries from the Internet and has the author (or Matt) read them in a radio-show format. You can listen to them at your desk, or you can do what I do: Subscribe to the feed on iTunes and get them loaded onto your iPod and listen to them on the way to work.

Already I’ve been exposed to some good bloggers I didn’t know about before, and I have enjoyed the 23 podcasts Matt has posted so far. To show how much I like the “Spoken Wood Podcast,” I’ve even stepped up my game and have recorded my first submission.

Like anything new, it was fun making the jig you need to record a podcast. Basically I needed a wire hanger and some of my wife’s pantyhose. (It’s funny. She doesn’t even roll her eyes anymore at these requests.) Using these two household items I built a screen for the microphone to stop the “plosives” from ruining the podcast (plosives are the hard “p” sound that makes a hard pop on a recording).

In any case, look for more submissions from me (and perhaps the rest of the staff). To learn more about the “Spoken Wood Podcast,” you can subscribe to it through iTunes or listen in at Matt’s Basement Workshop.

– Christopher Schwarz

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  • Rick

    Add to that some chewing gum and a pocket knife and you have a MacGyver episode. I thought you were going to tell us you created a new jig for straining your shellac. This sounds like a great idea – good job Matt (and Chris).

  • Todd A. Clippinger

    I am a huge fan of the Spoken Wood. It is more of a musing on woodworking rather than instruction. This really rounds out my diet for woodworking consumption.

    I enjoy the various viewpoints that Matt brings to the show. It really shows how many different roads can lead to a satisfying woodworking experience.

    And Matt just sounds like he should be broadcasing professionally anyway.

    Keep up the great work Matt!

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