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If we haven’t yet convinced you to abandon your family/job/comfortable retirement and head to Cincinnati on May 16-17, I hope this blog post will help you come to your senses. That weekend is the free Lie-Nielsen Hand Tool Event here at our magazine’s editorial office.

But it’s not just going to be me and Thomas Lie-Nielsen cooking weenies and shooting the shinola about bedding angles. The local chapter of the Society of American Period Furniture Makers (SAPFM) has volunteered to give free demonstrations during the two days on a variety of topics. Here is the schedule:

Saturday, May 16
Time    Demonstrator        Topic  

noon      Robert Crouse        Hollows & Rounds
1 p.m.    Dave Heyer           Carving Acanthus leaves on a period chair
2 p.m.    Charles Murray     Bench Planes
3 p.m.    Dan Reahard       Carving Fluted Quarter Columns
4 p.m.    Donna Hill            Inlay: Preparing Inlays and Sandshading
5 p.m.    Bob Compton
& Jim Crammond    Chairmaking: Windsors

Sunday, May 17
Time    Demonstrator        Topic  

10 a.m. Mark Arnold           Inlay & banding
noon     George Walker        Scratch beader
2 p.m.   Donna Hill              Inlay: Preparing Inlays and Sandshading
4 p.m.   George Walker       Design: Incorporating Ornament in a Design

And lest you forget, we’ll also have other toolmakers in addition to Lie-Nielsen at the event, both showing off their wares and showing you how to use them (the real heart of these events, I might add).

John Economaki
of Bridge City Tools. See the Jointmaker Pro (which we awarded a Best New Tool of 2008 award) in action.

Ron Hock of Hock Tools. Ron is a long-time bladesmith who is extremely knowledgeable about steels and sharpening. Ask him about his forthcoming book on sharpening tools.

Kevin Drake of Glen-Drake Tool Works. Kevin builds my favorite marking gauge of all time (the Tite-Mark), plus other thoughtful tools, including chisel hammers, plane hammers and the thought-provoking double-handled dovetail saw.

Ron Brese of Brese Planes. Ron makes incredible infill handplanes at down-to-earth prices. If you’re in the market for an infill, he’s should definitely be on your short list.

Bob Zajicek of Czeck Edge Hand Tool will be showing off his wares. He makes fantastic marking knives, awls and other tools.

Jameel Abraham of Benchcrafted will be showing his awesome wagon vise, plus I hear he has a new product in the works that is very interesting.

Need ideas for things for your family to do while you are enjoying yourself? Click here.

Again, you don’t have to register. The event is free. Give up your will.

– Christopher Schwarz

Product Recommendations

Here are some supplies and tools we find essential in our everyday work around the shop. We may receive a commission from sales referred by our links; however, we have carefully selected these products for their usefulness and quality.

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Showing 12 comments
  • dave brown

    re: upcoming Lie Nielsen Hand Tool Events

    Will any of you be attending the Hand Tool Event in Gaithersburg, Md on June 12th – 13th?


  • Jim Mossoney

    I am looking forward to the show, I’m coming form Defiance Oh.

  • Christopher Schwarz


    We’re taking over the entire first floor. And then there’s the parking lot….


  • Tom Wehmeier

    As a local regular at your product seminars I’m wondering if you have enough room at your facility/workshop for a HUGE turnout!?
    I’ll be there.

  • Christopher Schwarz

    Ah, but the out-of-town guests haven’t sampled the localness that is Hudy D-lite.


  • Mark

    I think we live in the same zip code so a beer from my hometown wouldn’t be that impressive.

  • Christopher Schwarz

    Anyone who feels guilty about the admission charge should feel free to bring me a beer from their hometown.

    Also accepted: small milk-giving mammals, shiny beads, clean blankets.


  • Mark Rine

    I can’t believe that this is so close of a drive for me and still free. I skipped the expensive WIA because it was out of my budget. I’m sure it was more than worth the money. Thanks for inspiring and educating new woodworkers with quality information and history for such a minimal cost…FREE? Are you sure ya don’t want a couple bucks?

  • Phil Lang

    Mr. Schwarz:

    Will say/show more about the chisel protectors shown in the photo of your tool cabinet?



  • Josh

    Hey, you convinced me. This sounds really great, Chris. I am driving down from Holland, MI that Friday night to spend Saturday night at the event. I travel to MI for business from AZ and this will be a great getaway from the office. I spend two weeks at a time in MI…without any tools. 🙁 So this will be a great opportunity to get my woodworking fix.


  • Christopher Schwarz

    Wow indeed. This is a grassroots thing. All these toolmakers and people from SAPFM volunteered.

    Really, it’s going to be a great weekend. You should come Kari. The dog can come, too!


  • The Village Carpenter

    Wow! Sounds like a mini WIA conference.

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