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Roy Underhill’s The Woodwright’s School is filled to the rafters with vintage hand tools, bacon-powered machinery, solid workbenches, piles of wood and more (you can read about the school in Christopher’s Schwarz’s August 2009 “Great Woodshops” article). And just about everywhere you look, there are also curiosities. While I was at the school to assist in Christopher Schwarz’s “Anarchist’s Tool Chest” class, I took photographs of some of the interesting oddities, and asked Roy to give me one sentence or so on each. Below are the top 10.

— Megan Fitzpatrick

This is Edgar’s friend, a stunt chicken.

I put on safety gargoyles, but I still get crap in my eyes.

The best tool for sharpening. There are no secrets in the naked city.

I would totally tap that.

Any fool can pee in one. This takes talent!

I’ve got your fine woodworking right here.

Double bubble, toil and trouble – a gift from Bazooka Joe.

I took it off a dead president.

It only gets old music; it keeps talking about this Pearl Harbor place.

It's a gift from a loyal student recognizing my non-woodworking books ("Kruschev's Shoe").

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Showing 5 comments
  • Matsqui

    Never mind the class, it looks like it would be fun to spend your day just checking out Roy’s shop.

  • Mainewood

    Got fried eggs? She looks rough around the edges is she molting?


  • jwaldron

    Safety gargoyle is broken; Roy’s got BIG troubles!

  • Dusty

    Roy’s curiosity shop…….. makes sense to me……………every shop has some strange things laying around


  • Niels

    “I would totally tap that.”


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