In Shop Blog

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Things were happening in 1981. Ronald Reagan had just started his first term in office, the Space Shuttle took its maiden voyage, and MTV appeared on the airways for the first time. It was also the year a new woodworking magazine launched: Pacific Woodworker. The original focus was woodworking in the Northwest, but it quickly expanded scope, becoming Popular Woodworker in 1984, and then Popular Woodworking in 1985.

It’s now 2021, and we’ve been through four decades of changes, with plenty of highs and lows in between. Our official 40th anniversary issue should be showing up in your mailboxes in December (as the February 2022 issue; like everyone else we had to make adjustments during the pandemic) but in the meantime, we’ll be digging way back into the archives to pull some fun stories and projects from years past.

We hope you enjoy this trip through time, and you have any favorite articles or authors you’d like us to share, let us know in the comments!

Product Recommendations

Here are some supplies and tools we find essential in our everyday work around the shop. We may receive a commission from sales referred by our links; however, we have carefully selected these products for their usefulness and quality.

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