In Shop Blog

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I’m at the “The Woodwright’s Shop” set listening to Peter Follansbee and Roy Underhill rehearse for tomorrow’s shoot for an episode on carving Swedish spoons. I’m surrounded by all the curious things you see in the background of every show: the chicken mask, a cast iron hand-powered drill press, the foot-powered whetstone and things guests have made on the show over the years (including the English square contributing editor Christopher Schwarz built for a show last week).

Peter is showing Roy how carve a spoon from a piece of poplar that he just split out of a log — a rescue from the firewood pile. Roy has a very sharp knife in his hand, and he’s cutting toward himself under Peter’s watchful eye.

No blood. Yet.

It’s surreal to see the shop in 3D, rather than on my television screen – more so because I was able to poke around and take pictures. Here’s just a few of the snaps I shot – and please forgive the photo quality (my camera’s batteries died, so these are from my cell phone).

– Megan Fitzpatrick

• If you enjoy Roy’s show and hand-tool way of woodworking,check out his most recent book: “The Woodwright’s Guide: Working with Edge and Wedge.”

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Showing 5 comments
  • Eric R

    That whole set should be shipped, lock, stock & barrel to the Smithsonian as soon as Roy hangs up his plane.
    A lot of really cool projects have been made there.
    Thanks Megan.

  • Al Navas

    A perfectly iconic shop, Megan! It has such a warm and inviting feeling.


  • rwyoung

    That pillar drill is pretty sweet. And did you get a chance to count chicken tchotchkes on the set?

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