In Shop Blog

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BlogNetworkI’ve been working on my editor’s note for the February issue of the magazine, and was inspired to write about online woodworking in large part due to the Online Woodworking Roundtable session at Woodworking in America 2013. I was (quite pleasantly) surprised to see how many people came to listen to our panelists talk about the state of/reasons for/size of/how to/etc. of the online woodworking community.

It got me thinking about the woodworking message boards I visit every day (,, and, the four “must-read” woodworking blogs that I check slavishly (you’ll have to wait for the issue to find out what they are) and the many additional woodworking blogs I read at least semi-regularly.

That sent me clicking over to our “Popular Woodworking Blog Network” (a somewhat silly name, IMHO – I think we should re-style it “Blogs You Should Read” or “Read Good Stuff Here” or “Blogs We Like” or…), and I found it was sorely outdated. Apologies.

I’ve spent several hours over the past few days clicking through all the links, deleting those on which there have been no new posts for a significant amount of time (with the exception of The Village Carpenter…too much good info there to not keep it) and adding new links to sites I think are worth knowing about (only the woodworking ones; don’t worry – I didn’t add “Go Fug Yourself,” “The Worst Things for Sale” or “The Bloggess“…even though I read those every day, too).

If I’ve neglected your favorites, let me know in the comments below; I’d be happy to consider adding them.

— Megan Fitzpatrick@1snugthejoiner (which reminds me…we didn’t even mention Twitter during the roundtable discussion)

Product Recommendations

Here are some supplies and tools we find essential in our everyday work around the shop. We may receive a commission from sales referred by our links; however, we have carefully selected these products for their usefulness and quality.

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Showing 14 comments
  • JWatriss

    Norse Woodsmith has a good aggregated blog roll. Plenty of good stuff to mine through.

  • Charlie Simpson

    Megan, for next years WIA round table discussions, not only Twitter but Instagram. Really! It’s amazing.

    And I shamelessly plug my own blog:

  • Mark Hochstein

    I think you should add the Brian Boggs Chairmakers blog to the list. There is a ton of great chairmaking info on that blog. Here’s the link:

  • Marty

    Nice list.

    You might consider adding a section on woodworking video ‘channels’, many of which would be on Youtube.

  • Megan Fitzpatrick

    Just FYI…the backend of our site is down, so I can add nothing at the moment. Just didn’t want y’all to think I was ignoring you.

  • xMike

    I think that “Blogs we Like – (read more good stuff here)” is an excellent header for the blog list. It’s in keeping with the community feeling that comes with the print and on-line presence of Popular Woodworking.

  • peppersvnv

    The renaissance wood worker.


  • Bill Rainford

    I’d like to submit ‘Rainford Restorations’ for consideration:

    Take care,

  • Bill Lattanzio

    I really enjoy Jonas Jensen’s Blog:, which details Jonas’ woodworking not only on his farm, but as well as his job as an seaborne engineer. Jonas works mainly at sea mainly using a small and really interesting set of hand tools.

  • scoobydooo9r

    It’s great you’re updating the list, good catch Megan. I’m a big fan of Steve Ramsey’s blog at He’s always building some great projects and his videos are awesome. Also, Chris Wong does some amazing work at, and Bob Rozaieski has great info in the hand tool arena, at Oh, and you can’t forget Mary May! Ridiculously awesome carver. It would be a shame to leave them off the list.

  • Richard Dawson

    I was disappointed to see that Go Fug Yourself was wasn’t a reference to The Fugs. And to think that some took “Before The Beginning of Years” seriously.


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