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Now that the June 2013 issue of Popular Woodworking Magazine is off the newsstand, I’m free to share one of my favorite articles from it (for the no doubt very few of you who read this blog but don’t read the magazine).

It’s Chuck Bender’s piece on Wharton Esherick. Not only does Chuck do a great job of introducing this iconic figure of art and woodworking (and woodworking artistry), his surprising affinity with Esherick’s work is, quite simply, lovely.

Plus, I’ve admired Esherick’s library stairs since I was in pigtails. (And now, I might actually be able to build them…the stairs, not the pigtails.)

Read the article – free – here:

The August 2013 issue mailed just moments ago (2:22 p.m. EDT, June 12) to digital subscribers and should be arriving beginning later this week to print subscribers (you can see the cover now on our Facebook page).

— Megan Fitzpatrick

p.s. To find out what else is in the June issue that I’m not giving away for free (sorry, gotta buy cat food), visit our Online Extras page for the issue at

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Showing 7 comments
  • Albert Rasch

    Thank you for the link to Mr Esherick.

    If I may pester you for a further moment, I made an inquiry a week or two ago concerning the VIP program. It shows “Out of Stock,” and though I received a response within a very short time of my query, It seems that they still haven’t resolved the issue.
    May I impose upon you to check into that please?

    Best regards,
    Albert A Rasch
    Still dodging 107s on FOB Shank

  • Rob Fisher

    Can we PLEASE get an Esherick project build article? The library stairs, or preferably the three legged stool? Please! Please! Please!?!?!??!

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