In Shop Blog

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English JoinerAs a new name here it seemed wise to make my first post a brief introduction. My name is Graham Haydon and I’m a woodworker in England. By day I have the good fortune of making a living as a joiner within our family business.

Being a joiner from a small town in the rural South West means we cover a wide range of work – the core being windows, doors and stairs but also kitchens, site carpentry and some furniture making. After leaving school in 1998 at 16, I joined the family firm and completed a three-year apprenticeship; I have been working for the business ever since. Our workshops have all the typical modern equipment you would expect, but hand tools still play an important role, too.

During my spare time I like to focus on traditional aspects of woodworking, undertake projects on my own terms and read my way through my pile of woodworking books. I’m in a very lucky situation. My Great grandfather, who started our business in 1926, was an indentured apprentice as a wheelwright and the legacy of tools and work I have to hand from his lifetime, as well as those of my grandfather and father, is a real blessing. I also count myself lucky to be around in the age of the Internet. It allows me to be inspired by others who love woodworking and share my passion with people outside the sleepy rural area I grew up and now work in.

If anyone has followed my writing efforts so far, what you’ll see here will be more of the same: Methods of work, the tools I like, furniture and aspects of woodworking I see out in the wild, projects and how I like to do them (with the odd video for good measure). I’m looking forward to getting started writing for the PW blog, and expect I’ll post about once a week; I hope you in enjoy my work!

— Graham Haydon

Product Recommendations

Here are some supplies and tools we find essential in our everyday work around the shop. We may receive a commission from sales referred by our links; however, we have carefully selected these products for their usefulness and quality.

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  • jimi43

    Hey my friend!!

    Superb seeing you writing for such a distinguished publication…they chose a class act…and maybe we can see some of your educational videos too…they’re the bees knees.

    I take it you will be doing a few articles about the history of the great British Infill Plane? ;O)

    Here’s looking forward to more from the Haydon quill….

    Jim Hendricks
    KT Tools


  • Nobby1967

    Bit of English support fro me Graham

  • jabbruzzese

    Congrats, Graham! Well deserved and I look forward to reading you here.


  • Bill Lattanzio

    I can seem to recall a rather smart fellow (and handsome) making a prediction maybe a year or so ago….I think the word he used was “legendary”.

  • wdworking

    Hey Graham,

    Glad to see you here as well. Look forward to your blog and FB entries.


  • Marty

    Hey Graham,

    This was a surprise, reading you at this venerable site. Congrats, and I look forward to reading more about your exploits.

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