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One of the pieces in my current show is called Chronicle of Consumption. It consists of a video clip and two still images that show the fate of a beautiful case of drawers that had been discarded on a Cambridge Massachusett street. At fist I tried to see if I could save it. After mulling it over for several minuts, I realized that I didn't have space for it at home, so I called my friends and tried to convince them to adopt it. Unfortunately, people were at work, did not have a car, etc., and I gradually came to understand that the only survival chances for this dresser would have been a miracle –  a passer by who would fall in love with it and adopt it.  I doubted this would happen and ultimately decided that if I couldn't be this piece's rescue squad, I could at least be a field reporter and document its sad fate. 

The still images shows the dresser standing near a pile of trash bags. A pedestrian walks by and examines the piece, surely contemplating to pick it up. But, then for whatever reason he decides to leave it be and walks away.

By the way, this guy was not the only person who showed some interest in the piece and couldn't take it home. The clock was ticking and all of the sudden the roar of the trash truck started to be heard. Will there be a happy ending to this story?

Watch the video and see….



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