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How to Build Bookcases

Thanks for all the great comments! Congratulations to duckfarmer27, the winner of this book giveaway. Stay tuned for more exciting book giveaways and if you’re interested in a copy of“How to Build Bookcases & Bookshelves,” it is currently available for pre-order. 

It’s always fun to see the new books show up. Popular Woodworking Books’ latest offering, “How to Build Bookcases & Bookshelves” officially releases at the end of the month. It’s a compilation of stunning bookcase projects from the archives of Popular Woodworking Magazine and American Woodworker. The builds cover a range of styles from simple to more ornate – so whether you love the classic look of Arts & Crafts or if you prefer the simple clean lines of something more modern,  you’re sure to find a bookcase that suits your personal library.

And I have a copy to give away! Simply post a comment and I’ll choose the lucky winner at random (winner will be announced on Monday 7/11).

This is one that deserves a place on your bookshelf. (After you use it to build your bookshelf, of course.) Good luck!

—Scott Francis

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  • jraposa

    No two persons ever read the same book.
    — Edmund Wilson

  • leeh522

    Making nice bookcases just might help save my marriage. I won’t be leaving stacks of books and magazines laying around and upsetting my wife.

  • Gene

    Bookcases are like clamps.. you can never have enough!

  • dczward

    I’m interested in building some bookcases, this book looks like it would be helpful.

  • Dave

    I hope I’m not to late.

  • MysticValleyWoodworking

    I recently made a bookcase by hand with my 3 year-old as a helper. Good introduction to woodworking, but I wish I had thought through a couple of details like how wide children’s books are. I’ll need to modify the lower shelf to accommodate. Hopefully this book will help me with future planning!

  • Ed Furlong

    Having made some less than inspiring bookshelves previously, I would benefit from this book immensely.



  • nellinghof

    Needing to build some bookcases. Got rid a several ugly built-ins and lost a lot of storage and bookcase space in the process. Looking for inspiration to get the books out of cardboard boxes and out in the open where they can breath again.

  • Stuart Hough

    I would love to win this book! I m somewhat design-handicapped, and this book could help me get onto the path to cure!

  • Jon

    count me in

  • owenpt

    I’m in!!

  • Al Phelps

    Could one have too many books or bookcases? Too many is not enough!

  • goredsus

    Never have enough woodworking books or bookcases.

  • Servelan

    Bibliophile here; one can never have enough bookcases. Love to give this book a new home…

  • DavieMac

    I like the design on the lower left corner of the cover. It’d be fun to build. Please enter me in the drawing. Thanks.

  • Locklinn

    Woodworking and History – avid reader – never enough bookcases that the wife approves of – this could help to up the game!

  • gdblake

    Kind of a funny thought. With more and more people switching over to electronic books, magazines, etc. one would think that the need for bookcases is diminishing. However, due the increasing number of high quality books on the craft of woodworking, especially hand tool techniques, I find myself needing more book storage in my home than I did 40 years ago. I suspect this is true for other hand craft disciplines as well. The more technology takes over our lives, there seems to be a growing need for the comfort, pleasure, and sense of well being that comes from holding and mastering tools and being able to create something tangible with them. Holding and reading a well crafted book, regardless of the subject, is just an extension of our need for the tangible in a society that is becoming increasingly intangible and fluid. Throughout human history, books have been our best way to pass on to future generations the knowledge we have amassed. The best thoughts of the human mind deserve to be preserved in a case that is also demonstrates what humans can accomplish when we put the creativity of our minds and hands to the task at hand. Keep up the good work.


  • dwatson

    This would be a great addition to my library. I build basic bookcases and would love to read this for more knowledge and ideas.

  • ScottV

    Book cases are an important, and sometimes overlooked, essential skill for the wood worker. I’m sure this book would help any of us. Hopefully it will give some wood worker here the inspiration to build something they need and the spouse will love.

    Scott Vickers

  • ScottV

    Book cases are an important, and sometimes overlooked, essential skill for the wood worker. I’m sure this book would help any of us.

    Scott Vickers

  • Buildinggeek

    Excellent! I’ve got some bookcase projects in early planning, this could be just the thing to get me going.

  • napiergirl

    Fancy this, eh? We have just bought our first home, and my first dream was about building a new bookcase in the hallway – that would make my daughter’s room ‘secret’. Not possible now that we are moved in – not enough room. But, I will be making some decent sized ones for the living rooms. I just need some good ideas. Fingers crossed for this book. Good luck to everyone.

  • dougzbanjo

    A book on bookcases is the first woodworking book I ever bought.. It was invaluable! I think I passed it on to my nephew so I could use a new one.

  • RedneckRev

    I love bookcases, especially the enclosed or barrister bookcases! This may just spark that last needed challenge to make one. Hope I win!

    If I do not, congratulations to whoever wins!

  • grizzlybob

    Great looking book case! Love it!

  • Francis

    Hummm, been making sawdust for 30 years. Read hundreds (maybe more) of articles on bookcases but never built one. Could be a real incentive if I had the guiding hand right next to me.

  • tedpaladino

    I’m going broke paying for my daughter’s medical school and SHE has a lot of books!! Help!

  • Sheil

    Looks like a great book to find some bookshelf plans for all my woodworking books.

  • jimkoepke

    I need to build some more book storage. This looks like a great inspiration.


  • armerlo

    Just moved into a new place. We now have a room we want to use as a library so need bookcases. This looks like a good resource.

  • Steve Kindem

    I LOVE BOOKCASES! (And the authors that put together great books !!)

  • steel dragon

    I would love this book as a beginning woodworker would love to learn how to build bookcases since my daughter loves books

  • John Wheeler

    Looks like a good build book.

  • woodworkjay

    A bookcase would be a great first project to use to introduce an adult non-woodworker to the joys of woodworking, particularly when the non-woodworker/recipient admits a love of books in need of a bookcase to put them into. I’m ready to go.

  • kiefer

    Thanks for the offer!

  • jim childress

    I need more bookcases, because my wife is still tutoring students from 1st grade through high school in all subjects.
    She prepares them to take the SAT’S as well.

    Thank you,

  • GordonC

    Just when I need it most, it is now available.

  • thourigan

    Just what I need for my next project.

  • keastwood

    A timely giveaway, a bookcase is a planned winter project.

  • buoyd

    Too many books — not enough bookcases. Help!

  • dbusack

    Never can have too many bookcases!

  • voyager_663rd

    What a great idea! I try to find usable plans but am not usually successful. I faithfully follow all the blog posts and this gift idea is wonderful.

    Thanks for offering this 🙂

  • woodturningfool

    I would like to add that to my collection!

  • jglen490

    I have more books than bookcases! This one just may be a help to solve that problem.


    I could use this book! I didn’t realize there was an alternative for placing my books on tables, chairs, cabinet tops and my favorite, – floor space.

  • blefty

    hmmmm…A book on place to keep books. I need one.

  • Coursey

    I love the Arts and Craft look. I’d love to turn my formal dining room into a library. I need this book!!

  • Bill Rainford

    I’d love to check it out

  • granolajohn

    A project that I need to do but have shelved; this would keep me from getting in a bind.

  • mhein68

    Thanks for the giveaway!!!

  • lac14903

    You can never have too much reference material, This book would be a great addition.

  • duckfarmer27

    Looks like a good book to add to the collection….

  • Michael

    I’m a book lover and I would love to win this give away!

  • timcgrew

    Great looking book.

  • wellsy1959

    There are new bookcases in my future. I’d love to have this reference for them.

  • peppersdad

    this would be a great addition to our durhamwoodworkingclub library!

  • jmwagle86

    Thanks for the contest, now let me win!

  • vandyke26

    I am always looking for projects. This book would be awsome.

  • DoctorJ

    Looks like an interesting book – count me in.

  • mysticcarver

    I love books on woodworking! Here is my entry!

  • vtxmanmike

    I’ve got two bookshelves in my future! Both of my daughters are avid readers! Would love to add this one to my collection.

  • Dan Pleska

    I would love to add this book to my library.

  • ameyer81

    Im a beginner woodworker and lately been having trouble finding motivation to get out in the shop. This book could really help. Daughter wants me to build her a bookcase anyway.

  • dknott

    “Books are the quietest and most constant of friends; they are the most accessible and wisest of counselors, and the most patient of teachers.” ― Charles William Eliot

    Please add my name. Thanks.

  • stephencmoore

    You can never have too many woodworking books, therefore you always need more bookshelves.

  • Steve

    Need the book, to build the bookcase, to hold the book. What comes first the book or the bookcase?!!! 🙂

  • William Tily

    always room for one more

  • TOD

    We could use this for all the books that need a home at our house.

  • Wudturner

    I love book’s, and lord knows I need some book shelves. Good luck everyone!!!

  • Jim McCoy

    I need this book! Way too many books piled on the back of the toilet.

  • CharlesHart

    My wife has 3000 books what’s one more

  • tubahawk

    I’ll need this book to build the shelf to keep it on, so i hope i win…

  • tpobrienjr

    Count me in!

  • Hughcon48

    I’ve build a dressers but never have I built a bookcase!

  • mdavidf

    Nice! A woodworker can’t have enough plans.

  • frossm

    Excellent. Thank you.

  • Rocklobster

    That’s one sure way to get me to register.

  • elhat

    Have books, will build.

  • terrynjon

    I need to make more bookshelves. Maybe this will get me moving.

  • dbusack

    Never can have too many bookshelves!

  • DaveS2

    Does the floor beside my reading lounger count as official book storage space?

  • Addedtothecause

    I’ve got a sweet spot on the book shelf for that book shelf book!


    Sweet. More ideas to create great stuff.

  • jerseytool

    I need more shelves for books. I’m in…

  • iampapabear

    I have never built a bookcase, but I’m willing to learn!

  • greener17

    Love to win this book 🙂

  • Carltuesday

    Random comment.

  • gregworks

    I need to built new bookcases for all my woodworking books.

  • pjegues

    I would very much like a copy of this book. I have a spot waiting for it on Bookshelf made by me.

  • Dave in Ohio

    Not only do the wife and I need more bookcases, everybody else I know does too!

  • RLTW

    I always enjoy a good source of woodworking design and building ideas!

  • Billy's Little Bench

    If you give a woodworker a book, he’s going to build a bookcase.

  • mbholden

    Pick me! Pick me!

  • josephg

    I can always make a case for more books.

  • alpen

    My bookcases are full. I need this book so I can build a new one to put it on.

  • josephtjohnson

    I have more books. I need more shelves!


    This would be great for my son, just the other day he was telling me he wanted to build a book case.

  • Robmose

    One seems to have more books than places to put them. Looking forward to adding this one to my collection.!

  • johnclaus

    I could always use new design ideas for bookcases around the house.

  • bzt

    More bookcase ideas would be great.

  • ragill

    Great! Just when I was looking for bookcase ideas to build!

  • mrgebs

    Love the look of the mortise and tenon bookcase on the cover!

  • pmac

    You can never have too many bookcases.

  • mpete

    another book will mean another case!

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