In Shop Blog

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Everyone knows about Chris Schwarz’s affinity with hand tools and readers know that David Thiel was the power tool counterpart here at Popular Woodworking. With David’s move to the books division (thank you David , because that made way for me to join the staff), we had an area that needed to be filled. This past week it was decided that we fill that vacancy with a new contact for power tool information and questions , that contact would be me!

Where else could a guy who enjoys building furniture, writing and talking about woodworking get a chance to converse with the company reps about their tools and bring in a selection of products to test in our shop so that we can pass along that information to you? I am the lucky dog! And, I get paid to do this!

But, that is not the only place where this new responsibility will become such fun and interesting work. If you, the readers of the magazine, have any questions, comments or concerns about tools, you now know where to direct those messages. If you write, I will get back to you with an answer or comment as quick as I can.

I will tell you that there will be a learning curve for me. I have spent a lot of time in my own woodworking world. I would read the magazines, but I also had my shop set for many years, especially for large tools. Not many reasons popped up that would compel me to delve into buying new tools. I now not only have the reason, I have the directive to do just that.

I had a comment one night in our Woodcentral chat that the reviews are only as good as the guy that writes them. That got me wondering how Pop Wood conducted these test. Here at the magazine all the editors partake in the testing of the tools and that will continue in the future.

But we are even going one better. We are have asked Contributing Editor Troy Sexton to take some of the tools into his shop to test them in the real world. What better evaluation can be done on tools? It is always better to get a number of informed opinions versus one opinion. However, I will be charged with the writing and the follow-up on the reviews.

Glen D. Huey

Product Recommendations

Here are some supplies and tools we find essential in our everyday work around the shop. We may receive a commission from sales referred by our links; however, we have carefully selected these products for their usefulness and quality.

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