How to Apply Wood Veneer with Backing

When hobbyist woodworkers do any sort of veneering, they usually work with raw veneers. These un-backed sheets are great for small projects, and though they can be used for large work, most [...]

Why Would a Craftsman Use a CNC Router?

Some woodworkers just don’t believe in using CNC routers. They believe that someone who cuts and shapes parts with a CNC router is not a craftsman, and has little or no connection with the [...]

SketchUp for Woodworkers Who Use CAD

Layers in SketchUp Aren’t Like Layers in CAD If you’re used to drawing in AutoCAD or a similar program, you’ll have to adjust to the way layers work in SketchUp. When drawing in CAD, it’s common [...]

Build a CNC Router

Have you seen all the new CNC machines available to hobbyists these days? Everybody who sells woodworking tools seems to carry at least one model. Maybe you’ve been thinking about buying one. If [...]

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