Easy Hanging Shelves

Get a period look with big box materials. The inspiration for this small hanging set of shelves is a late 18th- to early 19th-century (circa 1775-1825) English dovetailed version in oak with a [...]

Three Drawer Chimney Cupboard

Seven solid joints comprise this sturdy custom storage unit. Bonus: View the SketchUp Model. There’s a backstory to this chimney-cupboard project. I had planned a week off to renovate the [...]

Easy Pirate Chest

Masonry nails and two XXL leather belts impart the ‘arghh!’ in this build. Don’t let the curved top of this “pirate chest” scare you. It’s a lot less tricky than it may appear – and it’s [...]

Contemporary Side Table

Simply change the ‘drawer’ and finish to change the look of this easy piece. The first step in building this contemporary side table is to go shopping for the basket that serves as a drawer – [...]

OmniSquare Multi-function Layout Tool

Tool: The Original OmniSquare Shop Now   Manufacturer: Omni Tool Works MSRP: $29.95 This clever and inexpensive milled aluminum square functions as a try square, miter square, bevel square, [...]

Medicine Cabinet

A slick technique makes the divided-light door a snap. In 2008, I built a contemporary maple chimney cupboard to hold towels in my bathroom. Eight years on, I decided it was time for a matching [...]

Shaker-inspired Step Stool

Don’t let the panel glue-up scare you. This step stool (useful in just about any room of the house) is easy to build, using pocket screws as clamps and to add strength.

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