Tangible Assets

Like most woodworkers, I got interested in the craft because I like producing real things – tangible additions to my environment. That’s also why I got into the book and magazine world. I like [...]

What’s Your (Bench) Style?

There are almost as many workbench types in existence as there are woodworkers. Many of the examples on our website, like the one Roy Underhill displays in the above video excerpt, are variations [...]

More on Buying and Using Lumber

You can never get too many perspectives on this topic. Everything we do as woodworkers starts with the substrate, the wood itself. I caught up with Ron Herman this week to discuss his approach to [...]

Not Just a Stuffed Dove

What’s really fascinating about this “Woodwright’s Shop” video excerpt is the way Roy Underhill expands the definition of dovetails and dovetailing. Woodworkers can get into a rut thinking only [...]

“Playing” the Saw

In this 2-part, free video playlist, you get to see a range of ideas and techniques from two terrific instructors. First, Jeff Miller introduces you to the concept of audible feedback during your [...]

Winner, winner …

Kevin Reagan of Springfield, Missouri, is the winner of our Popular Woodworking Magazine 3-year subscription drawing. Congratulations, Kevin! I asked what he’ll be doing over the next 3 [...]

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