Tool Making

The holidays are always a busy time for me. I especially love spending time in my shop when the house is bustling with friends and family. I rarely get to work on projects just for me, but these [...]

PW at Home Depot!

A small plumbing crisis (that’s redundant) brought me to the Depot today. I stopped by the magazine rack to see what was new in FWW magazine. My subscription has lapsed and I’ve been [...]

You know you’re a woodworker when…

Took my wife to the city for her birthday earlier this week. Spent the day in the art museum. Easy to be overwhelmed in the presence of such great works of art. Got to see a couple Vermeers which [...]

Fine Art in PWW magazine

I’m reading the latest issue of PWW and enjoying the discussions of fine art therein. George Walker’s column is overtly artistic. I think this is another great move by The Schwarz. We [...]

WIA Marketplace

This weekend is the Woodworking America Conference in Ohio. I highly recommend you go. Yes the sessions may be sold out. But having attended the last two, I can tell you there’s a lot going [...]

More tools you don’t need

In my last blog I wrote about tools you don’t need. The point was that we don’t always get good information on what to buy. Our sources for tool recommendations aren’t always [...]

Tools you don’t need

Over the years, I’ve turned to my brother Steve for practical advice on a range of subjects. Older brothers are good that way. Several gems of brotherly advice have included the phrase [...]

Period Woodworkers All

I think it’s very funny that folks reject the notion of ripping by hand saying it’s impractical and instead offer the only slightly less arcane table saw as the “modern” [...]

Are Table Saws "essential"?

A couple years ago I wrote an article on hand sawing strategies. The punch line was the fastest way to saw by hand is not to saw at all. I still feel this is the best lesson you can learn …

More on Table Saw Safety

I suspect anyone even tangentially involved in this industry has been through this issue before. My feeling is that this is a complicated issue, which has some fairly significant consequences and [...]

Posting Blog Comments

I invite readers to post comments to my blog. There are couple things that I want you to know. 1) There is no free speech on the internet. But I allow criticism on my little corner of the [...]

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