In Arts & Mysteries

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It is my understanding that there are still a few slots open for this weekend’s “American Craft Traditions at Work” at Mt. Pleasant in Fairmount Park in Philadelphia. This is a great opportunity to see the work of two of the best carvers Philadelphia has ever known.

Master Carver Martin Jugiez was active in Philadelphia in the third quarter of the 18th c. Jugiez was responsible for the carvings on some of the best known pieces of the period. We know that Affleck employed him. In addition to furniture, we now know that Jugiez also carved the architectural carvings in Mount Pleasant, which are nothing short of breath taking.

Chris Storb has spent a good portion of his career studying and copying the carvings of 18th c Philadelphia carvers. His familiarity with period carvers is so great that he can tell you what gouges each carver had and didn’t have. Chris, trained as a sculptor, works in the conservation labs at the Philadelphia Museum of Art where he has duplicated, repaired, or created from scratch many of the carvings you see in the galleries. He’s responsible for the carvings shown above. Storb has never written a book or taught a class. But this weekend, a few lucky souls willing to pony up the $50 will get to spend 45 minutes with Chris as he recreates Jugiez’ carvings.

If you are free this weekend and interested in Philadelphia Chippendale style, you’d be nuts not to attend this seminar. If you have any question about attending at this late hour email me or call my cell (see

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