In Arts & Mysteries

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I really appreciate the overwhelming response I received from my tool offerings. Thank you all so much for your interest and support. It really means a lot to me personally.

As I said when I started accepting orders for tools 2 months ago, I have no intention of making tools full time. I am first and foremost a period cabinetmaker. I feel doing the work has informed my sensibilities regarding tools and I have no doubt that will continue.

I’m not sure what the future holds for me. I’m hoping to produce tools on speculation and sell them as they become available. This will allow me greater design freedom and perhaps the ability to use whatever materials I have on hand at the moment. I’m not exactly sure how this will work. But I’ll post information here and at Woodworking in America conference. Being able to meet my commitments in the uncompromising way to which I’m accustomed means I have turn off the tool making at present.

Product Recommendations

Here are some supplies and tools we find essential in our everyday work around the shop. We may receive a commission from sales referred by our links; however, we have carefully selected these products for their usefulness and quality.

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Showing 5 comments
  • Adam Cherubini

    If I keep the saw flood gates open, I will be making saws full time for the foreseeable future. I want to make chisels and other tools (in addition to furniture) so I must close the gates.

    Expect saws and chisels and other tools to be available in the future. When they do become available, they will be available for IMMEDIATE delivery. I’ll make stock on spec and sell it off as it becomes available. I think this approach is better for me and may be more fun for you as well. It’s the Dim Sum Chinese buffet of 18th c tools.


  • Mack McKinney

    This is actually kind of a good problem to have, Adam! A real vote of affirmation for your tools. Thanks for having the integrity to stay focused — harder and harder in today’s ADD world.

  • Chuck Nickerson

    I’m glad to read I’ll be able to get a complete set of your saws. I’m going to be working at reactment at a local stage coach stop one day a month, and the timeframe is quite close.

    Does this mean the chisels are a no-go?

    Teaching in Kentucky? Hopefully at Kelly Mehler’s, then I’ve got a chance of getting into the class.


  • Adam Cherubini

    Hi Jerome,

    It’s possible. At present, I think Mike is concentrating on his own product lines.

    I’ll continue to produce saws in near future. And I’ll be concentrating on serving people just like you who need authentic tools for historical interpretations.


  • Jerome

    Adam is it possible for Mike W. to make and carry your saws?


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