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By Marc Adams
Pages: 45-48, 53-56

From the November 2007 issue #165
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We’ve all heard the joke about the woodworker in a bar who holds up two fingers to order four beers. Or the one about “What does a woodworker do with the third hole on a bowling ball?”

I can’t tell you how many times I’ve introduced myself as a woodworker and had the first response be, “Let me see your fingers.” Why has our craft become known for being so dangerous? Why is woodworking considered as hazardous by those who don’t do it? Why do certain professionals such as musicians, surgeons and NFL quarterbacks stay completely away from woodworking? Why is it that tool manufacturers don’t help promote safety better – especially because they bear the brunt of liability issues? Or better yet, why don’t they require some kind of user-competency test before you can purchase their products?

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To download the 18 Rules for Safety PDF, click here.

From the November 2007 issue #165
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