Worth a Watch: World Wood Day

World Wood Day 2019 – Wood Design from Wood Culture on Vimeo. My extra-curricular woodworking has been firmly stuck in cabinet land for the last six months. And building plumb and square [...]

Editor’s Note: Woodworking Through It

As this issue goes to press, Popular Woodworking is changing ownership. The last few months have been a rollercoaster of emotions for me, my colleagues, readers and contributors. There’s been [...]

Upholstery for Arm Chairs

So you’ve built your paddle-arm chair, and all that’s left is making the cushion to sit on. I may be persnickety when it comes to armchair upholstery, but I really prefer a certain type of [...]

Dents and Gouges: How to Deal with Them

If you’ve done much woodworking, it’s very likely that you have experienced some dents and gouges. Both are flaws in the wood. But they are not the same thing, so they should be treated [...]

Tool-Free Rotary Tool Review

Tool-Free Rotary Tool Dremel’s EZ Change mechanism lets you quickly change between the seemingly endless array of bits and accessories without the use of any special tools. With the new [...]

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