Fight Progress. Again.

Years ago when I was editor at Popular Woodworking, I was interviewed for a job at one of our competitors. During the interview, I experienced one of those fork-in-the-road moments where a single [...]

Tool News: Auto-Adjust Dog Clamp

Perhaps the red finally caught my eye, but it seems like I’m seeing Armor Tools everywhere now. My local Woodcraft has a great display of Armor Tools gear, and I finally took the plunge with [...]

Who is My Favorite Woodworker?

It’s the easiest question in the world: Who is your favorite woodworker? A fellow craftsman asked me this question earlier this month, and I still don’t have a good answer. I have one easy [...]

CNC is Cool. See for Yourself!

When Todd Damon (owner of Axiom Tool Group, Inc.) and I met to talk about our video series on CNC machinery there was one comment he made that stuck with me. He said his company had approached [...]

Top Tips for Tool Hunting

Buying tools from antique sellers or junk dealers is always a gamble. Keep these tips in mind the next time you're out and about hunting rust.

5 Inexpensive Gifts a Woodworker Will Use

This year when people ask me what they should get their woodworking family and friends for the holidays, my first answer is always a board of hardwood. But if they have a tool in mind, things get [...]

Easy-to-Install Planing Stop

Traditionally, installing a planing stop on your bench involves a big square mortise and a recess for the stop to lay flush with the top when it’s not in use. I didn’t want to modify my bench [...]

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