Maker Faire Bay Area 2018

What’s a geeky woodworker to do? I just happened to plan and precisely time a family visit to San Francisco during the major event for the truly obsessive creatives among us: The Bay Area Maker [...]

Garden Gate Build – Part 1

Thanks to a wonderful chain of events, my dear former home has a new lease on life: One of my best friends recently bought it. I’m going to build her a garden gate as a housewarming gift. [...]

Why We Should Talk About Pinterest

Hello Pop Wood readers! My name is Rachel Fountain, I do a lot of the behind-the-scenes, analytical stuff here at Pop Wood (stuff involving an ungodly amount of spreadsheets – I’ll spare [...]

I Can Do That: Routers Beyond Roundovers

Episode 3 of I Can Do That – Season 4 features one of my favorite tools in the shop – the router. While routers are great for adding round-overs and decorative edges to pieces of wood, [...]

A Simple, Modern Outdoor Lounge Chair

Sponsored by Wagner My wife probably looks at me funny, but when the latest furniture collection catalogs come in the mail, I don’t just read them; I study them. It’s not that I don’t have plenty [...]

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