Planemakers’ Roundtable from PWIA 2016

The Planemakers’ Roundtable was one of the most popular sessions at Popular Woodworking in America 2016, with discussion topics ranging from metal vs. wood planes, to low-priced knock-offs. [...]

Popular Woodworking in America 2016 Photos

I had an excellent time at Popular Woodworking in America, and hope everyone else who was there did, too! It was such fun to catch up with woodworking friends new and old – particularly those I [...]

Introduction to Restoring Furniture

It has been my intention from the beginning of this blog to include postings about furniture restoration. By restoration I mean wood repair (including regluing), finish repair and refinishing. [...]

Roman Workbenches High And Low

When researching Roman workbenches, one of the things that leaped out at me was how low many of them were low, knee-high like a sawbench. After building a low bench based on drawings from Pompeii [...]

Going Digital

How I Started in Digital Woodworking I had a long career as a designer. Long enough that I started out using traditional design tools, techniques and methods. So, when digital tools for designers [...]

Popular Woodworking in America Recap

I’ve just gotten caught up on work (and made a dent in my Dutch tool chest build) after Popular Woodworking in America last weekend, and I wanted to recap my experience at the conference. [...]

Another 511-year-old Woodworking Vise

Screw-driven vises are not modern inventions. The earliest screw-driven vise that I know of is this Italian vise that is circa 1300. I am always looking for earlier vises because the screw [...]

Hand Tool Olympics: Post-Game Wrap-Up

Well, another Popular Woodworking in America has come and gone. It was a fine time indeed, meeting and greeting our readers and contributors, but, like all good things, the end (alas) was [...]

Brush Lifts Stain While Brushing Finish

This may have happened to you. It’s surely happened to me. When you’re brushing a finish, the brush picks up some of the stain and lightens the wood. It’s even worse when the brush picks up so [...]

Woodworking + Digital: What is a CNC?

These Two Can Be a Great Combination For many years, Popular Woodworking has been an important resource for learning and an inspiration to many woodworkers – including myself. Whether it’s a new [...]

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