A Home Made Centreing Tool

Author’s note: No, I haven’t gone all English or Canadian on you. The above headline is from the April 1925 edition of The Woodworker, my favorite old woodworking magazine. I enjoy reading [...]

All About Vises

All About Vises Add clamping power to your workbench. By Randy Johnson and Tom Caspar A good vise is tool money well spent. It’s a solid investment in your workbench that pays off every time you [...]

4 Hand Tools for Stringing

4 Hand Tools for Stringing Find out more about using hand tools to make stringing inlay. Stringing reached its peak as an art form way back in the late 18th century, long before power tools. In [...]

Japanese Dozuki Saws

Japanese Dozuki Saws A terrific precision saw can cost as little as $25. By Tom Caspar What’s the point of a handsaw in a shop full of power tools? If the saw doesn’t cut worth a darn, not much [...]

Name That Chuck!

Name That Chuck! Here’s a chance to test your woodturning IQ. For many operations, a chuck performs the essential job of holding the work securely and safely on the lathe. These operations [...]

The Best Tool Roll Yet from Texas Heritage

I have more than a dozen tool rolls I’ve bought over the years to store rasps, wrenches, auger bits, carving tools and so on. They are my favorite way to protect edge tools in a tool chest – and [...]

Campaign Chair Finish Questions

I am building my first campaign chair with hard maple. Can you recommend a finish to make a darker look to the light color of the maple? Also, Christopher recommended ‘black wax’ in [...]

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