AW Extra 12/5/13 – Making Curved Doors

Making Curved Doors Kerfkore flexible panels handle curves with ease. By Brad Holden Curved doors and panels add elegance to any project, especially kitchen cabinets. Making these complicated [...]

‘Last-minute Elf’

If, like me, you think every year at about this time, “I really ought to get started on making some Christmas gifts…” Tom Iovino at Tom’s Workbench can help. He’s [...]

The Anarchist’s Gift Guide, Day 6

I cannot give you the gift of better eyesight in the shop because, oh, wait, I actually can. Speaking as someone who has had pitiful eyesight since first grade, I have always looked for ways to [...]

The Hegemonist’s Gift Guide

Yes, I’m poking fun at Chris Schwarz and his “Anarchist’s Gift Guide,” but also at ourselves (in a tiny nutshell: a hegemonic government is one in which imperial dominance [...]

Shopclass Monthly Subscription

That’s right!  Shopclass is now offering a low monthly subscription to all your favorite videos!  For only $19.99 a month you can view tons of new and old content right on your computer and [...]

The Anarchist’s Gift Guide, Day 5

OK, I’m going to sound like I have a “man crush” on Joel Moskowitz with this blog entry. But when I think about the simplest inventions in my lifetime that have changed my work, the Gramercy [...]

The Anarchist’s Gift Guide, Day 4

My first experience using shellac in the mid-1990s was a disaster. The stuff wouldn’t dry. And when it did finally, kinda dry it was a gummy mess. So I stuck to pre-cat lacquer and other film [...]

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