Video: Sharpen the Tricky V-chisel

I spent Saturday watching and photographing carver Mary May teach a class on ball-and-claw feet at the Woodwright’s School in Pittsboro, N.C. Mary, a traditionally trained professional carver, [...]

My Part at Woodworking in America

Now that I’m no longer on the staff of Woodworking in America, I get to do three things: 1) Actually attend some of the really great seminars from people like chairmaker Curtis Buchanan, carver [...]

And the Moto-Saw Winner is…

First, thanks to all of you who entered – I had a hard time deciding on a winner. In the end, I guess I’ll have to chalk up the winning entry to my sometimes-sophomoric sense of humor. And [...]

Don’t Believe Everything You Read

For centuries, woodworking skills and techniques were passed down directly from master to student. If you wanted to learn, you spent time with someone who had done it for a long time, followed an [...]

Aging Hardware with Jax Chemicals

I’ve used a lot of different methods to add age to my hardware – everything from a propane torch to ammonia to gun blue to (yes) human urine. Whenever I discuss these methods, I get complaints. [...]

Roorkhee Chair: First Look

I like Morris chairs  – Lord knows I’ve built enough of them to change my middle name to “Morrie.” But this evening I finished up work on a chair that is lighter in weight (less than 10 lbs.), [...]

Getting Started with Routers

New at Time to Tackle Projects to Improve Your Home With the unofficial start to summer in the record books for another year, there’s no question now is a great time to [...]

New Computer Desk

Old one was getting a bit beat up, one grandBRAT needed a desk for HIS computer.   Decided to make a new bottomhalf, and just re-use the small hutch from the old [...]

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