Appliance Garage

Appliance Garage Clear off your countertops! By Rick Christopherson An appliance garage provides functional storage for the hodgepodge of appliances that clutter kitchen countertops. Close the [...]

Nesting Trays

Nesting Trays Eye-catching and practical, these handy carryalls are sure to please. By Tim Johnson Here’s your chance to cut lots of corners and still get great-looking results. These [...]

Day 2 of the Wmsburg Conference

Tuesday morning saw the continuation of the bureau table by Kaare. He assembled the drawer dividers, with the case together added the feet and a few nailed on parts and then started adding the [...]

Wmsburg Conference Day 1

Day one of the conference began at 8:30 with breakfast in the Wallace Dewitt museum cafe. At 9:00, Colonial Williamsburg cabinetmaker Kaare Loftheim took the stage to demonstrate the construction [...]

Introduction to Mount Vernon Furniture

I’m in colonial Williamsburg for the annual woodworking conference. This year the subject is the furniture Mount Vernon. Last night there was a short lecture on Mount Vernon furniture and [...]

Flattening Really Wide Boards

Years ago I came to possess a really large walnut log and had it sawn to my specifications on a band mill. I then air dried it and have stowed most of it ever since. Many of the plain-sliced [...]

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