Video: Pegging for Destruction

When I build a reproduction, I try to remain as faithful as I can to the construction of the original – even if my modern brain says it’s not ideal. The original builder of this early [...]

What’s He Building in There?

Happy Halloween! Driving into work this morning, I heard this Tom Waits song, from his album Mule Variations. I’ve been a huge fan for years – in fact, I own everything he has recorded, but [...]

Help Break a 4-Way WIA Tie

We recently sent a survey to our Woodworking in America e-mail list to find out when and in what city Woodworking in America 2012 should take place – early fall was the winner on timing, but the [...]

Tag Team Secret for Graceful Curves

Even though I build a lot of straight line  Arts & Crafts style furniture, one of my favorite tasks in woodworking is shaping an irregularly curved surface. It adds life and interest and I [...]


It’s so darn cute that I can’t come up with anything intelligent to say. This weekend, I’ll touch up the blade on this Veritas miniature router plane and try it out – but [...]

Lumber Library

Lumber Library These books are so easy and fun to make that you’ll want a dozen! By Jock Holmen If you can't stand throwing away good wood, you’ve probably got a stack of short [...]

Simple All-Purpose Shop Cabinets

Simple All-Purpose Shop Cabinets Organize your shop in a weekend, for less than $20 per cabinet! By Jean Bartholome Walk into a typical small cabinet shop, and you’re likely to find simple, [...]

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