While teaching a class on handsawing a couple years ago, one student lost his cool. He was cutting a tenon for his sawbench, and he strayed over the line and the result looked rough to him. He [...]
When I glue up panels from several narrow boards, I use my jointer plane to dress all the mating edges. While our power jointer is fairly well tuned, it’s rarely perfect , we have a busy [...]
A Clean Shop and A WinnerLast Friday we spent the day in an unusual way; all of us were in the shop cleaning and organizing. It had been a while and we filled the dumpster with scraps and old …
May 4th, 2009 marks the second annual Woodworker's Safety Week – So Marc Spagnuolo shows you his favorite featherboards and push sticks that give him the easiest and safest cuts possible.
Not even Scout the dog was brave enough to land this lunker, there's only one fisherman brave enough to land such a monster in his 12 ft aluminum boat. He doesn't even worry about [...]
I noticed the head on my trusty Hamilton hammer was loose last weekend as I was driving a bunch of nails (good thing I have an extra hammer or two). This morning I decided to do something about [...]
In my kindergarten class, someone was snitching cookies from the lunchboxes of the rest of the class. (Spoiler alert: It was the fat kid.) While the teacher’s investigation was ongoing, she [...]
Of course yesterday’s blog post was an April Fool’s joke. Work continues on my chair. And recent cuts while demonstrating aside, I almost never cut myself. I think the worst injury I [...]
We’ve had a lot of fun with our Spring Cleaning Contest and so have several hundred readers who have already submitted guesses of the number of cordless drills we have in our shop and [...]
Lee Valley's new Countersunk Washers solve the problem of screw heads splitting stock. The washer/screw combination applies force the same way a pan-head screw does, but is counterbored to a [...]
As you all know, I’m building a Chippendale chair in a series of articles for Popular Woodworking Magazine and I’ve been having some troubles with it. In the first article, I undercut [...]