Caption This Photo and Win a CD

Years ago we had a Caption the Cartoon contest in every issue of the magazine. Bob Rech would draw a cartoon, and readers would send in postcards suggesting captions. It was my job to sort the [...]

The Uni-foot Table Saw

Last month I got to visit Roy Underhill’s new school in Pittsboro, N.C. (read about my visit here). One of the coolest parts of the visit was getting to try out his foot-powered table saw [...]

Finally, A Lasagna Video

Last week I posted an entry about cutting lasagna (read that entry) and mentioned there was no YouTube video worth watching. A few days after the post, I received a note from the President of [...]

Welcome to the Shop (Watch Yer Head!)

Miniature maker David Brookshaw is wearing out the zoom icon on my copy of Photoshop. His 1/12 scale model of a gentleman’s cabinet shop is just amazing. Download the photos below and take [...]

Test of the Trade

It’s hard to fathom, but if I’d made a slightly different guess one summer before 10th grade, then I might have ended up taking portraits of your kid’s baseball team. When I was [...]

I Hate it When That Happens

Today, I glued up the upper carcase of the bookcase I’m working on for an upcoming issue (Bob says it could double as a condo). I was so very pleased with myself. The two fixed shelves fit [...]

Being Roy Underhill

 I cut myself twice during demos at Kelly Mehler’s (both times on the same finger).  I’m fairly clumsy, but I don’t cut myself often in my shop. I didn’t [...]

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