Surefire Marking Gauge

Screwing plywood pieces with drywall-type screws is quick and easy, but drilling holes in a straight line can be tricky. That’s why I made this handy little marking gauge that allows me to [...]

Roy Underhill's New School

First the bad news: All of the spots at Roy Underhill’s new woodworking school in Pittsboro, N.C., are all filled. But here’s the good news: He’ll be scheduling more classes [...]

Instant Wheel Dressing

I use my grinder almost exclusively for beveling my chisels, so I like to keep the tool rest set to produce the 25-degree bevel I prefer. Having to reset the angle after using my diamond wheel [...]

Half-Round Table

Here's one of my first serious woodworking projects, completed quite a few years ago. It's a simple version of a classic form: the demi-lune table, popular in the Federal period. My kids [...]

If Chippendale had power tools…

“If Chippendale had power tools, he would have used them” is an addage I hear often.  I guess folks need to defend their use of power tools and this makes them feel better about their [...]

The Wood Whisperer's Favorite Books

My collection of books really isn’t very unique or unusual.  I have some of the essentials by the more well-known authors, but it doesn’t go much deeper than that. I am so busy [...]

What's On Your Woodworking Bookshelf?

When I was in college in Boston, I would take a walk to the public library about once a week. I found myself thinking about how much information – on any subject – was at my [...]

Lie-Nielsen Planes for $38

These days investing in premium tools might have less financial risk than the stock market. Just about every week I get an e-mail or phone call from a reader asking me if they think that premium [...]

Rare Stanley No. 3 Bullnose Plane

Need to clean up the corners of really wide rabbets? Then I have the plane for you. This Stanley plane is so rare it doesn’t even show up in John Walter’s “Stanley Tools Guide [...]

Philadelphia Furniture Workshop Video

Shannon at The Renaissance Woodworker blog taped some of my freak show at Alan Turner’s. He reported what I said there very carefully and very accurately (thanks Shannon). For those of you [...]

VIDEO – Slanted Setup for Spring Joints

Senior Editor Glen D. Huey explains why he sets his jointer knives at a slant and then shows you how to make a spring joint for edge joining using this method. This video is complimentary to the [...]

Metate in Middle America

Today I’m finishing up an article on sawmaker Andrew Lunn at Eccentric Toolworks for the next issue of The Fine Tool Journal , my employer’s office is closed for the holiday so [...]

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