Digital Download of Issue 10 Available

For those of you who prefer the digital version of Woodworking Magazine, we’ve just added Issue 10 to our store. It’s $6 and can be downloaded immediately by clicking here. Issue 10 , [...]

Teaching at Marc Adams – Day Three

Guys came into class this morning ready to work. They are well aware of the uphill struggle in front of them if they plan to get the first drawer completed for the chest. No one is expecting to [...]

The Deluxe Roubo

I always liked the look of my yellow pine Roubo-style workbench. That is, until last week. That’s when I got a look at Jameel Abraham‘s version of a Roubo workbench in ash, which puts [...]

Teaching at Marc Adams — Day Two

Taking care of school necessities took about an hour this morning, then it was on to the shop. Because I wanted to get to making wood dust, I rushed through the early routine items. In fact, I [...]

Teaching at Marc Adams

I’ve taught woodworking classes many places. I’ve taught weekend classes at Woodcraft stores and seminars at WoodWorks shows. I’ve demonstrated at woodworking clubs and taught [...]

A Visit to Wenzloff & Sons Sawmakers

It’s funny how the most exquisite things in life come from the simplest surroundings. It’s Thursday night in a small scratch of a town called Cornelius about 40 miles out from [...]

History, Archeology, and Interpreting

I’ve been offering my sense of the changing world of reproduction furniture making for a few years now. I won’t repeat it here accept to say yesterday’s reproductions probably [...]

Interpreting Historic Crafts

As many of you know, I demonstrate early woodwork at Pennsbury Manor. We were visited a few weeks ago by a reporter from a local newspaper who wanted to see why we do what we do. You can read his [...]

Where, Oh Where are the K-Bodies Going

A few Mondays back, Popular Woodworking Editor Christopher Schwarz stopped by my cube on the way to his desk and asked what was going on with Bessey K Body clamps. I hadn’t heard anything [...]

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