About that Article on Shoe Polish…

Several readers have called us a bit confused about the coverline on the new December 2007 issue that proclaims: “Shoe Polish: The Secret to an 18th-Century Finish.”They cannot find [...]

Stickley Poppy Table Drawings Available

The Cover That Almost Was Our December issue is on its way to subscribers and should be appearing on newsstands any day now. Sometimes we aren’t sure what to put on the cover, and for this [...]

Like Making Sausage

Someone once told me that woodworkers cannot talk to other woodworkers without using their hands to explain things. And that’s true. But I’d like to amend that aphorism to say that [...]

Building a Block Front Chest

New listings for woodworking schools are being released about now. We, the editors at Popular Woodworking magazine, are making announcements about gigs we have coming in 2008. Here’s my [...]

Best New Tools of 2007

Our staff's entirely opinionated and biased list of the best new equipment. We picked our 15 favorite tools and tell you why they might belong in your shop.


In my latest article, I discussed the construction of the guts of my standing desk and attempted to relate those innards to formal desks from mid (18th) century Philadelphia. Fortunately, I had [...]

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